Billy Woods
Aesop Rock
Pretty big gap between them and the rest. Street rap is in a recession. Lot of guys aren't active. Some are too active.
I listen to a lot of old s*** anymore
but nah if we talking top 3 in rap all time
prob skepta, Wayne, jay???
could change in five minutes but I feel like as a foundation they all set the plot for most of my favorites
The price of having a personality I'm afraid
Typical corny response
Typical corny response
I'm the coolest person on the Kanye West fan forum full of 30 year olds
I'm the coolest person on the Kanye West fan forum full of 30 year olds
More Corny
I don't have one honestly.
I've mostly grown out of hip-hop (other than Kendrick).
I just know you aint black because imagine saying you can """grow out of""" hip hop
I just know you aint black because imagine saying you can """grow out of""" hip hop