  • Aug 22, 2023

    Been thinking about this a lot lately because of alot of the products I’ve paid for in the past. The streaming services have horrible ui and s***ty content, the video game companies rush out unfinished bullshit just to charge 60-70 dollars and have everything locked behind micro transactions, movie studios don’t even want to pay the writers so we’ve been stuck with bullshit sequels and remakes for years now. I could keep going but I think you get it, as a business owner myself I simply don’t understand why all these big executives don’t understand that a good product will get you a way more money than rushing everything and charging a bunch for extra bullshit no one asked for. I understand that their sole focus is profit but I know that eventually this tunnel vision approach to business is gonna bite these idiots in the ass soon.

  • Aug 22, 2023
    1 reply


  • Aug 22, 2023


    Must consooom

  • Aug 22, 2023
    1 reply

    Many businesses try to focus on one specific group of people. Sometimes they have a certain image of their " perfect customer". You won‘t see any Koenigsegg commercials cause they know only bloodthirsty capitalists with polos could by their s***.

  • Aug 22, 2023

    Many businesses try to focus on one specific group of people. Sometimes they have a certain image of their " perfect customer". You won‘t see any Koenigsegg commercials cause they know only bloodthirsty capitalists with polos could by their s***.

    Oh @op talking bout something different my bad

  • Aug 22, 2023

    It‘s because of capitalism baby!

    Be ready for the revolution - JOHN CENA ☭

  • Aug 22, 2023

    why don’t you ask them

  • Aug 22, 2023

    cause we keep buying

  • Aug 22, 2023
    1 reply

    If you let a company get away with doing the bare minimum, they'll do the bare minimum. People pay for those streaming services, movies and video games and any improvement in product would not improve their ROI as much as they'd like.

  • Aug 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Shareholders baby! Gotta maximize profits, which means cuts, cuts, cuts, and more cuts, along with increasing prices!

  • Aug 23, 2023
    1 reply

    If you let a company get away with doing the bare minimum, they'll do the bare minimum. People pay for those streaming services, movies and video games and any improvement in product would not improve their ROI as much as they'd like.

    This is true but in the case of the video game industry a lot of the worst offenders have a monopoly of sorts over the specific kind of games they make cough EA cough which makes sense to me but if you’re Netflix, hbo max and Hulu watering down your product makes absolutely no sense to me, MAKE THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE

  • Aug 23, 2023

    Customer service has taken a nosedive as well. I get it though, people are fed up and being paid very little

  • Aug 23, 2023
    1 reply

    This is true but in the case of the video game industry a lot of the worst offenders have a monopoly of sorts over the specific kind of games they make cough EA cough which makes sense to me but if you’re Netflix, hbo max and Hulu watering down your product makes absolutely no sense to me, MAKE THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE

    People subscribe for the content, not the UI

  • Aug 23, 2023

    It’s because they know what to do better than you think you know

    So they pump out the absolute bare minimum bullshit. Until they can’t. Then they come back with strong service to build rapport again with a new customer base. Rinse and repeat and ride out market booms/busts and shareholders win over 30 years rather than 10.

  • Aug 23, 2023

    People subscribe for the content, not the UI

    True but if you’re constantly removing and canceling all the good s*** and I can barely navigate the app without raging why even have the audacity to raise prices

  • Aug 23, 2023

    Shareholders baby! Gotta maximize profits, which means cuts, cuts, cuts, and more cuts, along with increasing prices!

    I f***ing hate the concept of shareholding. People will invest in shares which incentivises companies to make more cuts so people end up spending more money. But “i get a return on investment :)” BRO EVERYONE IS SPENDING MORE MONEY FOR S***TER GOODS AND SERVICES

    Inb4 theres no alternative

  • Aug 23, 2023
    2 replies

    theyre selling to the lowest common denominator

    it works because trying to appeal to sophisticated audiences is far more difficult

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 23, 2023
    2 replies

    it's money bro it's always money

  • Aug 23, 2023

    theres always someone doing something cool. just dig deeper

  • Aug 23, 2023

    it's money bro it's always money

  • Aug 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Businessmen are actually dumb as nails when it comes to anything other than making money

  • Aug 23, 2023

    theyre selling to the lowest common denominator

    it works because trying to appeal to sophisticated audiences is far more difficult

    On the other hand this is a sad truth

  • Aug 23, 2023
    1 reply

    theyre selling to the lowest common denominator

    it works because trying to appeal to sophisticated audiences is far more difficult

    I didn’t think of this. A lot of the reason services are getting s***tier is because a lot of people think slop is solid gold

  • Aug 23, 2023

    Businessmen are actually dumb as nails when it comes to anything other than making money

    And when interest rates climb 1%, they're not good at that either

  • Aug 23, 2023
    1 reply

    it's money bro it's always money

    I get that but if I started selling exclusively boof at my shop people would stop f***ing with me, they can’t keep getting a with this if I can’t f*** my customers over why can they