I mean I'm a Kanye stan myself, but I can't even make joke without the stans coming in full force?
Is it because Kanye is sensitive himself?
how does it feel knowing you’re gay
I'm already knew I was gay Now come kiss me
Oh no, he didn't say anything about Drake
Okay? Drake is my boo, okay? Aubrey Graham ain't never hurt nobody
And y'all know big thangs come in small packages, holla
Now everythang was cool until KTT2 came back into the picture
They better not put their hands on Aubrey
Okay, first of all, they don't know that I am a 12 degree pink belt
Okay, I will dice his ass up like a little piece of celery
Okay, cause see, they don't know me, Delicious, do they know me?
Okay, I thought so
Cause you know that I know karate, and I will see him
And I will Jet Li his ass, hitaaaah!