I'm 6'6(197cm) but I'd rather be a bit less tall, 6'3 would be perfect.
I really don't get why people are so obsessed with height
Im 6'2 and its highkey annoying at times so i can imagine
Awkward clothes fit, hitting head, some spaces you literally cant fit
One time my shower head broke and im too tall to crouch under the tub faucet so had to use cups n s***. Weird/hurtful posture/postions sometimes since you dont fit the average height for reg chairs, beds n s***.
N i have health problems so i stay at hospitals from time to time and im always too tall for their UNADJUSTABLE SHOWERS and have to hop in and out of them
Bro honestly asking. Hkw hard is it to get a girl lol. I've been with girls dance high-school. I'd say I'm fkr sure good looking now, but I wasn't a model in high-school. Most people just lack proper communication and social skills.
Buying clothes sucks when ur this tall.
My younger brother is 6'9
Would be running pick and rolls with him every day
Because they think being taller is an instant cure & replacement for being ugly/boring/unmotivated/uninteresting
Most men doing this surgery are under 5’6 …
That’s almost a disability tbh and most to dwarfism as a grown man
Bro honestly asking. Hkw hard is it to get a girl lol. I've been with girls dance high-school. I'd say I'm fkr sure good looking now, but I wasn't a model in high-school. Most people just lack proper communication and social skills.
We live in a day and age where social skills, connection, and communication are optional so people struggling makes sense.
Add that in with people getting bullied, trauma, lack of third spaces and it makes sense why men are down bad. Then women get to suffer because the down bad men cause them trauma that makes them hate men then the cycle reinforces itself.
People just need some compassion and less shame imo.
Buying clothes sucks when ur this tall.
My younger brother is 6'9
He in the g league at least?
Thank f***ing godI am not insecure about my height
who we got
Have you seen the way people talk about short men on this site alone?
I'm not about to do it, I'm alright being 5'8", but I get it.
Have you seen the way people talk about short men on this site alone?
I'm not about to do it, I'm alright being 5'8", but I get it.
Get being insecure about your height or get f***ing up your legs to get taller? I remember growing pains as a kid and my legs get crammed in planes/cars despite not being tall. Couldn't imagine signing up for even more painful s*** just so ktt/twitter/tiktok types don't call you as much of a manlet lmao
Get being insecure about your height or get f***ing up your legs to get taller? I remember growing pains as a kid and my legs get crammed in planes/cars despite not being tall. Couldn't imagine signing up for even more painful s*** just so ktt/twitter/tiktok types don't call you as much of a manlet lmao
Probably because you're relatively well-adjusted
Teenagers literally kill themselves over cyberbullying, so I can understand why there's a market to painfully increase height when it's so frequently correlated with respect and desirability in not only the dating world but the job market as well.
Of course someone who has been dunked on their whole life for their height might consider f***ing their legs up to make it stop
i think body enhancements outside of genuine medical reason are cringe as hell but im not gonna care really.. but if you got this done i think i couldnt take you seriously again
ive done that same surgery for a different reason. i have clubfoot and had to live with that frame for a year as it was for a gradual reconstruction surgery to correct my clubfoot. it was on my entire foot and they had to put nails through each of my toes too, i didnt walk for 2 years because i had to do the whole process through the pandemic by myself
i cant believe people are doing this to get taller lol i regret the whole surgery although my leg is basically reconstructed, i wasted years of my life and i still have the other leg to go cause i have two different feet now
Some short people feel short all the time. I’m lucky I never feel my height unless I’m next to a tiny man or a giant woman