Sorry but going from 600k to less than 300k and being outsold by Lil Uzi after taking a 5 year hiatus is a flop
Still the highest selling album post Jan 2022 changes.
No leading single, no physicals, hyper unconventional album, very controversial and polarising moments and subject matter that basically split his fanbase.
Yeah he did it big.
What jan 2022 changes
I meant to write it the other way around I’m surprised they’re in the same sphere thought Kendrick would sell way more
IF anything this was the most could not give a f*** release from kendrick even his merch is low effort ass.
Doesn’t even leave room for an accessible single, besides die hard (which is rumoured as his next single release)
Im trying to see a message in this but maybe he’s just gotten tired of this, wants to have his last hurrah then take the backseat at his new label and focus on other ventures.
People who make sales their personality trait think that.
His projections at the start of the week was 350K, then 320K but he did 280K.
Anything over 300 would have been fine.
What jan 2022 changes
Digital sales have been limited. So where as before if a single person was to buy the album 10 times it registers as 10 sales. Now it is capped at 1 purchase.
I think this was to mainly stop BTS fans manipulating numbers but every artist benefited from this to a degree.
They're mad Kendrick dropped another great album I guess.
They should be mad their favorite dropped mid
Cause the jack Dorsey twitter promo didn’t work that wasn’t a genuine surprise response to that Twitter user definitely takes away from it now
Digital sales have been limited. So where as before if a single person was to buy the album 10 times it registers as 10 sales. Now it is capped at 1 purchase.
I think this was to mainly stop BTS fans manipulating numbers but every artist benefited from this to a degree.
Do you have a link of an article that explains this?
It's not just that the number is low, it's that the projections after the first day were 325-350K and he did well below that. That means people stopped listening to the album a lot more compared to the average album.
Digital sales have been limited. So where as before if a single person was to buy the album 10 times it registers as 10 sales. Now it is capped at 1 purchase.
I think this was to mainly stop BTS fans manipulating numbers but every artist benefited from this to a degree.
I dont think that really affects kendrick, mostly just bts, barbs pop stans
Bad Bunny getting more spins outside than Kendrick, that’s why
Did Gkmc numbers