You've (probably) never seen them irl
You've never spoken to them
They didn't even know of your existence
A lot of the deaths are self inflicted (drugs)
There are children dying more horrible deaths everyday, why do you act like your dad has died when some rapper dies?
It's not good news, but there are mfs who are crying and defending random dead famous people on social media wtf
Stop following people and go your own way
Op a dumbass
You are a dumbass for glorifying junkies who happen to make music
Because ppl connect to the storys they tell are u really this stupid op
So what? So you have to cry and defend everyone online who you've made some type of connection with?
Op stupid as f***
You saying we should be desensitized to someone’s death because we don’t know them?
the fact that you would never see them again for the rest of your life is infuriating
I'm going to say something completely insane but because people are fans of them/their music??
close registration
been saying this since day 1
woah I don't usually react to trolls but OP I'm about to bless ya with a post
made a lot of memories to some of his songs over the past year, so it's sad that such a thing won't happen again
So what? So you have to cry and defend everyone online who you've made some type of connection with?
So what? So you have to cry and defend everyone online who you've made some type of connection with?