XL tees with regular or skinny 30" pants with a shoelace belt crucial 2012 wannabe skater fit pioneered by Tyler
just wear what you wanna wear. who cares what looks 'cool'. baggy washed jeans / cargos are played out anyway
fashion comes and goes and goes the opposite direction of the previous trend
go outside with large pants and a small shirt in 2013 u get killed
go outside with large pants and a small shirt in 2013 u get killed
I miss you every day, Michael. You just were way too ahead of the curve..
tiktok fast fashion + cartoons inspiration, most iconic cartoon characters are designed as a pyramid shape (esthetically), most antagonists have inverted pyramid shape (skinny pants + large coat)
I miss you every day, Michael. You just were way too ahead of the curve..
he was so full of life
Makes you look taller
Nah lmao I’m short and baggy pants make me look even shorter it’s awful
Tried hopping on the trend but definitely not for me
tiktok fast fashion + cartoons inspiration, most iconic cartoon characters are designed as a pyramid shape (esthetically), most antagonists have inverted pyramid shape (skinny pants + large coat)
It can be done but the pants gotta fit right
Looks too similar to a skirt or leggings type thing (if that’s not what you going for)