It’s crazy when you think about it OP. There’s actually mf out there that relate to this
It’s crazy when you think about it OP. There’s actually mf out there that relate to this
This is obviously marketed to 50+ dudes who would be working out to get back in “shape from their 20’s” in the 70’s and 80’s lol
This isn’t to anyone our age
This is @user
I’m insecure for asking why this nigga went from being regular to pouting in the camera like a Brazzers Intro
Because companies want people to be like that, it's a lot easier to sell something to someone who's insecure than someone who is mentally sound
Gender is, to some degree, relied upon as a foundation to self-identity and positioning oneself in the world. On another scale, it could be said to help position one’s sense of culture/community too. There is currently, I think, a significant divide between people who support the shaking of foundations vs those who want to hold onto traditional values. And we see related anxieties emerge on these different scales, the individual and the communal.
Some of the more interesting anxieties, or at least the ones that come up on forums and social media, are directed at the media for instigating a liberal agenda to expand how we conceptualize gender. It’s interesting because the people hawking these theories either ignore or are oblivious to their own culturally conservative agenda. Which gets us back to foundations and what’s considered normal and traditional. Both of which are related to power and representation.
I think a lot of the insecurity can be boiled down to power and the sense of lost privilege on who has access to normativity.
that sounds like you got a problem with yourself my man 💯💯💯
Not saying I agree with that guy, I actually like dudes who can talk a bit of s*** as long it's not malicious, but why are you so sure that not liking that behaviour is somehow projecting?
People can like and dislike things in other people without it being proof of some terrible flaw on either side. And the thing you like/dislike doesn't have to have directly benefitted/hurt you. I don't get where this idea came from.
Because being “gay” or acting “feminine” is seen bad by men bc they still think it’s the 1200s
I’m insecure for asking why this nigga went from being regular to pouting in the camera like a Brazzers Intro
U really focused on these mens lips dawg...
U really focused on these mens lips dawg...
that nigga was moving around and dodging to where u didnt have to look directly at his lips to see what he was doing but i guess lmao
Its really wild how much some men care about what another man wears or who he f***s
Like it has absolutely no effect on your life at all, why do you care that much
Bad argument
Got told that having a life changing experience at a concert is "fruity" today by some ktt members who probably haven't had s**
Got told that having a life changing experience at a concert is "fruity" today by some ktt members who probably haven't had s**
I wanna say something but
You could have named 300 way more poignant examples than dudes going off about liberals .. It exposes what’s bothering you at heart
A way more pressing issue..niggas shooting and stabbing each other so they don’t “look like a b****”
Tryna press people every opportunity to establish dominance
Shutting off their feelings, going decades without being in tune with themselves..for fear it makes them look feminine
Not respecting women …
Those examples are actually toxic and real. S*** y’all are talking about is irrelevant
My view of masculinity has shifted around a lot.
I'm like 5'8, skinny af. For most of my life I looked in the mirror and was like ugh I'm f***ed. My dad went from being the type to fight everyone who looked at him funny to being a total pacifist and preaching that as a type of strength. I looked up to men like Prince and Bowie growing up because they had my build but were still s***symbols on account of their talent and charisma. At the same time, they were undeniably comfortable expressing femininity as well.
At 32, I'm extremely comfortable in my masculinity. I'm high affect, emotional, extroverted, I dress very clean and sharp and take care of myself. People ask me if I'm gay/bi pretty frequently and I have a ton of queer friends. But I'm straight and really like the dynamic I have with both sexes. I'm always comfortable because I'm always good with myself and that's what matters most.
These days, masculinity gets a bad rap, but as others have said in this thread, a lot of the toxic s*** comes from toxic people and institutions, not masculinity as a concept. I think people are a lot of things, a lot of different energies that come from a lot of different sources and the sooner that we can embrace the idea cis men have to be this or cis women have to be that, the better. Our biological s***influences the opportunities that society offers us, but we have a multitude of options beyond that to become an actualized version of ourselves and that could take many different shapes.
I was talking about this with my wife the other day. She knows that I was relieved we had a daughter because I didn't know how to raise a man in the current social climate. I don't even really know what exactly that would look like. Still, she insisted that I'm what she thinks a man should be. And that matters a lot.