Its something ive noticed my whole life, how ppl attitudes towards me will be completely different than they are with anyone else, no matter how old i was or what i was dressed like etc
But now with my girl its getting a little ridiculous, everytime we go out, ppl will come up and compliment her and strike up whole convos etc and Will completely ignore me like wtf
Stop walking behind her and lead.
I do lmao thats what pisses me off like how am i in front and she gets talked to
They peep out ur fake energy
i think it’s just your perception. i used to be so frustrated and thought the world was conspiring against me but one day i woke up and realized i had people who loved me and wanted the best for me. all the negativity in my life were speed bumps in a largely smooth road that is my life. you may suffer from the same thing OP
op you have a girl and you’re complaining saying people aint nice to you tons of people would commit unspeakable acts to have a woman date them. that’s one person you prolly got some family members and friends that are good to you, what else do you need
Honestly if I had a girl I wouldn’t give af about anyone else and what they thought or how they acted towards me
you're probably just ugly tbh
the internet is just one big a****** and it's hilarious and rude.
you're probably just ugly tbh
idk what i am tbh , cuz i dont think im flat out ugly cuz ive never had that much trouble with women, but i dont think im conventionally attractive