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  • If you don’t know who Dude Perfect are, here’s one of their videos: They’ve got skills. They’re athletic. They’re already used to being famous so they wouldn’t get nervous during a game. So why aren’t they in the NBA?

    Tyler Tony is the obvious choice for the nba because he has the most battle wins. The only problem with him is that he’s 5’9’’ so it would be difficult for him to break into the NBA, but not impossible. The Cotton brothers don’t have the same accolades as Tyler Tony and they’re also 5’9’’, but they have a similar shooting ability as Tony that could come in clutch. Garrett Hilbert is 5’11’’, but I don’t think he has the dedication to be an NBA player. These four players have potential but they would be risky draft picks. However, there’s one more Dude Perfect Member that I haven’t mentioned yet.

    Cody Jones is the best fit for the NBA right now. I know what you’re thinking. Cody Jones? He’s the Jokester of the group. How does he have the dedication to be in the NBA but Garrett Hilbert doesn’t? I’ll tell you why.

    Garrett Hilbert has not been in many recent dude perfect videos. He’s been married for nine years and he has three kids. He’s the least skilled of the group. He’s generally considered “the dad” of the group. He manages the finances. He cleans the Dude Perfect house. This is not a knock on Hilbert. I think he’d agree with me that he doesn’t have the dedication for the game.

    Cody Jones on the other hand is NBA ready. He’s the tallest in the group at 6’6’’. He’s played sports his entire life. He’s got the athleticism. He’s got a high basketball IQ. He’s got the coordination and IQ to be good on defense. He may be the jokester of the group, but he’s serious about basketball. While he doesn’t have the same accolades as a Tyler Tony, this is not entirely his fault. Cody Jones had to miss three battles that I think he would have won. I think, with enough work, Cody Jones could be a 6’6’’ Steph Curry with better defense.

    TL;DR: I think that all of the Dude Perfect guys could play in the NBA. However, if I was a team owner with a number one pick, I would pick Cody Jones.

  • clearly you take the talent level it takes to be an NBA player for granted.

  • Mar 26, 2020

    Cause you can’t stop an NBA game to redo your shot 20 times

  • Saturday

    im so glad op didnt write this

  • OP got a good point

  • Mar 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Reads exactly like a reddit thread I should’ve known

  • Mar 26, 2020

    Reads exactly like a reddit thread I should’ve known

  • Mar 26, 2020

    can this corona s*** end already

  • sense 🍀
    Mar 26, 2020

    good thread

  • Apr 15, 2020

  • Apr 15, 2020

    what is this thread lmao

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