This is my ideal world right.
Theres a law against rape, you rape someone, people get you together and bring you befotr a counsel of the victim and her peers and s*** and they talk about the impact that had them and why your act was bad. Then youre brought to classes meant to stem your behavior and if you reoffend or choose not to take these classes youre forcibly exiled by the community
And who forces this exile? You're just describing community policing with other terms. At the end there is always some sort of power involved
It’s not like laws wouldnt exist, they would just be enforced by the whole of society vs a state.
The state is authoritative manifestation of the whole of society
If you want “the whole of society” to enforce laws, you need a central organization of power to enforce such laws until there is a point where they can be locally organized and enforced in a democractic
Simply eliminating the state immediately won’t fix this problem of oppression, or introduce the aforementioned point, without generations of labor
It just makes sense, right? The ultimate form of liberty without coercion by unfair heiarchy. Being truly free, living with no masters. Isn’t it a beautiful idea? Sure capitalism has proved efficient with regards to producing wealth, but aren’t these power structures imbalanced and evil? Can’t we just admit that states, in general, undermine the freedom of the self? Can you Marxist-Leninists admit that socialism in one country never works and we have to push for a worldwide revolution?
To all you so called communists, why do you think your vanguard party is exempt from tyranny of the minority and the slow poisoning of corruption? Thomas Sankars may have been a good leader, but at the end of the day he was just a good guy with a state, and any form of authoritarianism or stateism always leads to tyranny.
Public Transportation for one
nah, fr tho I guess I am one but I also kinda don't care about much anymore besides what can help me help people, which starts with helping myself.
It just makes sense, right? The ultimate form of liberty without coercion by unfair heiarchy. Being truly free, living with no masters. Isn’t it a beautiful idea? Sure capitalism has proved efficient with regards to producing wealth, but aren’t these power structures imbalanced and evil? Can’t we just admit that states, in general, undermine the freedom of the self? Can you Marxist-Leninists admit that socialism in one country never works and we have to push for a worldwide revolution?
To all you so called communists, why do you think your vanguard party is exempt from tyranny of the minority and the slow poisoning of corruption? Thomas Sankars may have been a good leader, but at the end of the day he was just a good guy with a state, and any form of authoritarianism or stateism always leads to tyranny.
If socialism in one country doesn't work what makes you think anarchism will?
What makes you think of it as a juvenile idealogy, I’m seriously non-ironically interested
Who would run the internet in an anarchy?
how does an anarchist society stay anarchist? if you think at any given time 100% of a populace will simply embrace the ideals of anarchy to actively prevent authority you're delusional. even nomadic tribes aren't anarchist.
how does an anarchist society stay anarchist? if you think at any given time 100% of a populace will simply embrace the ideals of anarchy to actively prevent authority you're delusional. even nomadic tribes aren't anarchist.
anarchist metaphysics so advanced it seems like magic
What makes you think of it as a juvenile idealogy, I’m seriously non-ironically interested
because I was an essentially juvenile person during the time period that I had my anarchist phase tbh lol
My KTT1 posts from early 2019 are certainly proof of that… it’s literally juvenilia to me lol
The state is authoritative manifestation of the whole of society
If you want “the whole of society” to enforce laws, you need a central organization of power to enforce such laws until there is a point where they can be locally organized and enforced in a democractic
Simply eliminating the state immediately won’t fix this problem of oppression, or introduce the aforementioned point, without generations of labor
This is the nut of it
Anarchism is an entire political project predicated on denying this by claiming a utopian view of the individual human’s agentive morality
If socialism in one country doesn't work what makes you think anarchism will?
I dont I think there needs to be a global uprising
I dont I think there needs to be a global uprising
What makes you think imperialist powers wouldn't try to overthrow an anarchist society?
And if you do acknowledge that, what makes you believe a soviety without a state would be able to defend themselves?
I think that no major anarchist society will emerge in the modern world, I'm pretty practical so as a result I don't think about anarchism much, but I've studied it in the past
I agree with some of Bakunin's ideas, but overall I can only see anarchism exacerbating a lot of the problems of the world today, the violence of the state ruling society shifts to the rule of those literally prepared to be the most physically violent, CHAZ was an effective recent case study of this, by the end it was basically under the rule of a warlord and they had killed two unarmed black teenagers, just like the state they were trying not to be
I think a lot of things should happen to the people that have wrecked this earth and forced people to suffer under oppression.
Weren't you the guy arguing about how prisons are unjust? So what's your solution, just execution?
Weren't you the guy arguing about how prisons are unjust? So what's your solution, just execution?
I don't know what the solution is but i do know i will have never have an ounce of sympathy for the oppressors.
Weren't you the guy arguing about how prisons are unjust? So what's your solution, just execution?
depends on who's in the prison, for how long, and what they're doing in there
If I'm being honest I don't think anarchism is the answer but its the closest
This century will see a new ideology rise
depends on who's in the prison, for how long, and what they're doing in there
Synopsis had a whole thread on prison abolition, so i was just wondering how he was going to deal with the enemies of the revolution.
I think that no major anarchist society will emerge in the modern world, I'm pretty practical so as a result I don't think about anarchism much, but I've studied it in the past
I agree with some of Bakunin's ideas, but overall I can only see anarchism exacerbating a lot of the problems of the world today, the violence of the state ruling society shifts to the rule of those literally prepared to be the most physically violent, CHAZ was an effective recent case study of this, by the end it was basically under the rule of a warlord and they had killed two unarmed black teenagers, just like the state they were trying not to be
I like anarchists in the sense that I think they play a secretly vital role of the maintenance of the state by checking its worst offenses with their utopian ideological zeal
Obviously they should never “win” but they never can so that’s not a danger to whatevr State is in power, given that it retains its ability to rule
I didn’t really do a good job defending my position last night so hopefully other anarchists aren’t disappointed. I didnt re-read what I was posting so maybe it came off pretentious and wordy and s*** can’t lie I’m a bit of a pseud but I’m learning every day
I didn’t really do a good job defending my position last night so hopefully other anarchists aren’t disappointed. I didnt re-read what I was posting so maybe it came off pretentious and wordy and s*** can’t lie I’m a bit of a pseud but I’m learning every day
Why do the anti-authoritarians not confine themselves to crying out against political authority, the state? All Socialists are agreed that the political state, and with it political authority, will disappear as a result of the coming social revolution, that is, that public functions will lose their political character and will be transformed into the simple administrative functions of watching over the true interests of society. But the anti-authoritarians demand that the political state be abolished at one stroke, even before the social conditions that gave birth to it have been destroyed. They demand that the first act of the social revolution shall be the abolition of authority. Have these gentlemen ever seen a revolution? A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon — authoritarian means, if such there be at all; and if the victorious party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists. Would the Paris Commune have lasted a single day if it had not made use of this authority of the armed people against the bourgeois? Should we not, on the contrary, reproach it for not having used it freely enough?
Therefore, either one of two things: either the anti-authoritarians don't know what they're talking about, in which case they are creating nothing but confusion; or they do know, and in that case they are betraying the movement of the proletariat. In either case they serve the reaction.
Sure capitalism has proved efficient with regards to producing wealth, but aren’t these power structures imbalanced and evil?
And with that, capitalism literally won't be sustainable. It'll be the end of the civilisation if we continue down on this path.