Lol he's not just "influenced", it's literally a sample, he openly cosigning Brazilian funk
! all yall owe my nigga @mets an apology yall was mad disrespectful in his thread about this s***
Deadass all yall owe my nigga @mets an apology yall was mad disrespectful in his thread about this s***
Ignorant Murricans need to s*** more on them
searching singeli brought me to this
! the vibrations I just witnessed could cause Cali to be an island
they got a VLONE soldier in their ranks
! my gosh
Na época do "tchu tcha tcha" eu até achava mais legal, mas hoje em dia que o funk parece só um bate panela tá insuportável
This forum breaks the simulation way too often
one day Ye will sample TESTING listening party in Brazil
You hear all these edgy try hard ass European “future pop” creators and then you hear this…. This joint is light years ahead of all these edge lords
You hear all these edgy try hard ass European “future pop” creators and then you hear this…. This joint is light years ahead of all these edge lords
Facts. Brazil niggas really creating. So far ahead of everyone rn and there’s no pretentiousness to it either
All @mets had to do was just mention yeezus in the thread title.
Reception is night and day from that thread to here man this s*** is crazy
ohhh that’s what you meant
can someone bite this s*** over here and make a new wave of industrial hip hop for f***s sake
Na época do "tchu tcha tcha" eu até achava mais legal, mas hoje em dia que o funk parece só um bate panela tá insuportável
não curte da tropa do bruxo?