  • Dec 2, 2019

    If the system, product, idea, etc has shown to be successful, keep it that way.

    Don't change just bc one has the zeal to do so. Either start your own or fill the role.

    If it ain't broke don't fix it

    Will update op eventually

  • Dec 2, 2019

    Post to avi ratio off the charts

  • Dec 2, 2019
    1 reply

    Sometimes u don’t know what you’re missing tho

  • Dec 2, 2019
    1 reply

    People mistake movement for progress @canon

  • Dec 2, 2019

    people don't respect the same s*** all the time

  • Dec 2, 2019

    Alot of people chase novelty too like novelty == better not always the case but essentially what man's was said

  • Dec 2, 2019
    1 reply
    Slime Jesus

    People mistake movement for progress @canon

    dude that's exactly it, movement doesn't necessarily mean the progressive direction.

  • Dec 2, 2019
    1 reply

    dude that's exactly it, movement doesn't necessarily mean the progressive direction.

    Sometimes better to sit still than get more lost in the sauce

  • Dec 2, 2019
    Slime Jesus

    Sometimes better to sit still than get more lost in the sauce

  • Dec 2, 2019
    1 reply


  • Dec 2, 2019
    hot pancakes


  • rvi 🐸
    Dec 2, 2019

    the system is a success

  • Dec 2, 2019
    1 reply

    If the system, product, idea, etc has shown to be successful, keep it that way.

    Don't change just bc one has the zeal to do so. Either start your own or fill the role.

    If it ain't broke don't fix it

    Will update op eventually

    Thats pretty convenient thing to say if the system is tailored made for you to be successful in it.

  • Dec 2, 2019

    Sometimes u don’t know what you’re missing tho

  • Dec 2, 2019
    2 replies

    Thats pretty convenient thing to say if the system is tailored made for you to be successful in it.

    It can be. This system has been set against my lineage for the past 400 years. Rather dwell on my past, I’d rather make my ancestors and lineage praise God for seeing our success.

    This is why it’s mentioned in OP to start your own if one doesn’t like the system. Unless one is willing to capitulate to the ideals of the system, product, job etc the “change” one is looking for will never happen.

    To live outside the matrix and yet have the wisdom to maneuver within it is what one should strive for. As the scriptures says, be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.

  • Dec 2, 2019

    It can be. This system has been set against my lineage for the past 400 years. Rather dwell on my past, I’d rather make my ancestors and lineage praise God for seeing our success.

    This is why it’s mentioned in OP to start your own if one doesn’t like the system. Unless one is willing to capitulate to the ideals of the system, product, job etc the “change” one is looking for will never happen.

    To live outside the matrix and yet have the wisdom to maneuver within it is what one should strive for. As the scriptures says, be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.

    To live outside the matrix and yet have the wisdom to maneuver within it is what one should strive for.

    That part

  • Dec 2, 2019
    1 reply

    It can be. This system has been set against my lineage for the past 400 years. Rather dwell on my past, I’d rather make my ancestors and lineage praise God for seeing our success.

    This is why it’s mentioned in OP to start your own if one doesn’t like the system. Unless one is willing to capitulate to the ideals of the system, product, job etc the “change” one is looking for will never happen.

    To live outside the matrix and yet have the wisdom to maneuver within it is what one should strive for. As the scriptures says, be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.

    This. I realized this year that I had to learn how to effectively work in the matrix rather than look to completely escape it. There is no other alternatives to it currently available to me. Must have the wisdom to navigate it as you said. Must be in the world but not of it.

  • Dec 2, 2019

    I agree, if it ain't broke than don't fix it.

  • Dec 2, 2019
    1 reply

    To be honest a big thing with these little kids who have no world experience trying to change things that work is annoying, but on the other hand there are things that need to be addressed and fixed.

  • Dec 2, 2019

    This. I realized this year that I had to learn how to effectively work in the matrix rather than look to completely escape it. There is no other alternatives to it currently available to me. Must have the wisdom to navigate it as you said. Must be in the world but not of it.

    Absolutely sir. Must be in the world but not of it. It's not about serving two masters but knowing our place in life and our situations. Truly believe any of us can reach the highest of our true potential. It's about remaining consistent, ever learning and be willing to adapt when the task asks for it.

  • Dec 2, 2019

    To be honest a big thing with these little kids who have no world experience trying to change things that work is annoying, but on the other hand there are things that need to be addressed and fixed.

    Yes sir agreed, what could benefit them is knowing the history of their ideals and problems they're looking to change rather than blindly following a rabbit hole lol