  • would’ve been the best song of all time without that banshee screaming nonsense

  • Are u dumb, stupid, or dumb, huh

  • Jul 18
    2 replies

    Nah the outro is goated

  • him saying i know everything then transitioning into The Knowing


  • Probably in like 2014 I remember meeting someone who was also a fan of The Weeknd irl and he told me his favorite song was Loft Music and he loved the outro. I was a bit confused because I always skipped that part of the song because I felt like you did. I grew more of an appreciation for it when I realized he was setting up The Knowing. It's always been praised though.

  • Loft music, coming down, party after party, there are so many long ass parts on that tape. You know you’re a stan when you know every inflection in it tho

  • HurryUpSonic

    Nah the outro is goated

  • HurryUpSonic

    Nah the outro is goated

  • Jul 21

    this was my exact take when it came out

    pretty sure 16yo me said something like “this wouldn’t need to be a trilogy if he cut out all this bullshit”

    I have changed my mind