The hype for Man of the Year on KTT1 was unseen, after the song was previewed in the B****, Don't Kill My Vibe video we went crazy, literally.
Looking back on it, the unreal hype probably damaged a lot of people's views on the album once we did finally get it...
Plus, a bunch of the best tracks leaked before we actually got the album, so that didn't help it.
Great album tho, one of my favorites of the 2010s, Blind Threats, Man of the Year, Break the Bank, MOTY, F*** LA, bunch of dope tracks
Yo, Flacko why they wanna dress like you?
Hey, wanna rap like Q?
Hey, wear they bucket hats like Q?
Stan wars were something serious back then. It was TDE stans & “real hip hop” stans vs Drake stans & trap stans. A lot was riding on Oxymoron cause it was the first release of TDE’s “TDE takeover 2014.” TDE stans desperately wanted it to be a classic, the other side desperately wanted it to be trash.
KTT used to be wild, it was a warzone during Yeezus time and Drake vs Kendrick threads got heated af.
Honestly it prob didn't help that this was a middle period between hip hop dying off in the mainstream and it basically running everything think q has at least one hit here if you had streaming being such a factor etc at the time
Gangsta F*** LA Break The Bank Man of The Year and Collard Greens so fire!
People hated the Kendrick verse on Collard Greens for some reason idk.... And they hated Los Awesome but I liked it
Desperately need an era like this again, dark grimy ass trap beats just pure bangers, decent lyrics and some dope ass fashion like floral prints
Crash Talk was supposed to be so mainstream friendly but he just sounded bored not crazy inlfection like he had on Oxy
because it was one of the most hyped album ever on KTT1
i remember the hype thread was just insane
it was not too long after GKMC and people were waiting for an album at this level from Q
at the end, the album wasn't an instant classic, even if it was good and people were mad disappointed because of that yeah
cause the album was delayed for over a year and we essentially got a different album then people wanted. same s*** that happens to artists now like carti for example
no nigga setbacks, habit & contradictions, and blank face out now
H&C still Qs best
ScHoolBoys best and only good project
I gotta ask y’all to stop disrespecting Habits & Contradictions. Stop that corny s***.