My cousin got laced so after that I stood away from smoking and I found out I don't need it to function.
Sometimes I’ll smoke every few months for a moment of clarity
It helps refocus and put things in perspective
I also like listening to music while smoking
But again- in moderation
It didn’t do anything for me anymore. I used to mainly smoke it because it made music sound amazing, but once all the newness of being a smoker wore off I just felt sluggish. Quit cold turkey
Panic attacks started randomly, felt like I was gonna end up schizo lol. Feel much better without laying dead on the couch every evening or needing it every concert, cinema visit, sitting at the park etc
friends that i smoked with always wanted to watch John wick or Rick and morty it got boring
Started giving anxiety instead of taking it away and makes my heart beat fast af
As someone that isn’t into weed culture like this is it me or do a lot of mfs drive high?
It doesn't suit my brain chemistry I suppose. I shut down and cease any function, I cannot even speak if I'm smacked enough. Not a good time especially with friends. At most, I'll take a single hit once every couple months.
As someone that isn’t into weed culture like this is it me or do a lot of mfs drive high?
I once drove the homies high to iHop. The parking job was so abysmal my friend (who had a lot more than I did) told me to step out the car and he finished the job. Some people can live life just fine high, this guy was high more often than not and functioned like a normal person.
As someone that isn’t into weed culture like this is it me or do a lot of mfs drive high?
Way too many it's kinda crazy
I smell weed on probably 70% of delivery drivers for Uber eats or whatever
I might barely puff my cart if I'm driving to some Pokemon gyms within a small radius of my home but I barely feel high
Got soothed outta my mind and fell down the stairs
I once drove the homies high to iHop. The parking job was so abysmal my friend (who had a lot more than I did) told me to step out the car and he finished the job. Some people can live life just fine high, this guy was high more often than not and functioned like a normal person.
Id just be terrified tbh of the fact that one slip up and cop pulls you over and bam you got a dui on your hands
Way too many it's kinda crazy
I smell weed on probably 70% of delivery drivers for Uber eats or whatever
I might barely puff my cart if I'm driving to some Pokemon gyms within a small radius of my home but I barely feel high
I’ve seen so many clips of people hitting blinkers before driving to a fast food spot or to their 2nd jobs s*** trips me out
Id just be terrified tbh of the fact that one slip up and cop pulls you over and bam you got a dui on your hands
Yea, never again. Not long after we sat down some cops came in too I was s***ting my pants. They just ordered some food though.
Smoking brought back my sweet tooth overnight and f***ed up 3 months of consistent dieting/mindful eating. I'm kind of scared lol
As someone that isn’t into weed culture like this is it me or do a lot of mfs drive high?
driving high can actually make driving better the same way if you play basketball high it feels so good, not a full body high just a head high
driving high can actually make driving better the same way if you play basketball high it feels so good, not a full body high just a head high
I agree but the risk of getting pulled over would just have me paranoid and ruin the high for me at least
Snoop dogg ITT
nah was gonna say i need him to pull up itt