Critics eat this s*** up, and this is trash especially as someone who likes Tyler
NWTS, IYRTITL, and Take Care objectively should be rated way higher than they are
NWTS is a 79/100 on metacritic. A 79? In what world is NWTS only 79/100 - an album that cohesive & perfect?
IYRTITL and Take Care are both a 78. The f***?? Both are classics
I think the higher ups really are out to get Drake, how do his most quality projects get lowkey panned but mid albums that will be forgotten in 3 years get 80s/90s? This disrespect must be stopped!
inb4 “critical reviews don’t matter”
he has too much alpha energy
critical reviews are largely stupid and don't mean s*** but i feel like those are all reasonable ratings, no? i'm not gonna argue if you call take care a classic but there's also some songs there that a 8 fair.
nwts and iyrtitl are two albums that are cool but also don't really stand out to me? i don't think he does anything exceptionally well besides make hits (which is a skill in itself, but doesn't really translate across an album format)
Critics eat this s*** up, and this is trash especially as someone who likes Tyler
Pitchfork gave this album a 6
Pitchfork gave this album a 6
I'm shocked, they would normally give s*** like this 10/10
he doesn’t make weird noises, and he’s not an sjw, if you make weird noises and deserve acclaim but you aren’t PC you’ll get shunned, like kanye
critical reviews are largely stupid and don't mean s*** but i feel like those are all reasonable ratings, no? i'm not gonna argue if you call take care a classic but there's also some songs there that a 8 fair.
nwts and iyrtitl are two albums that are cool but also don't really stand out to me? i don't think he does anything exceptionally well besides make hits (which is a skill in itself, but doesn't really translate across an album format)
Take care has a few songs that could be called an 8
But NWTS and IYRTITL are both so cohesive and focused to me, I don’t see how they aren’t rated higher. To me it doesn’t matter if music “stands out” or is groundbreaking as long as it is good music
This perfectly sums up critic culture
They love and eat up distorted metal/rock n roll influence experimental albums lol
Like imagine dropping Scorpion and not expecting at least a handful of people to hate you after? That’s just unrealistic
Which songs aren’t that great to you? I’m curious
But it’s mine too
It’s not that I don’t think the songs are great. It’s just that it isn’t 10/10 perfect you know what I mean?
Like I can see how someone can think it’s a good album but it’s not a 10/10 classic.
We’ve been conditioned to think a classic is a 10/10 flawless album and I don’t think that’s the case
Like imagine dropping Scorpion and not expecting at least a handful of people to hate you after? That’s just unrealistic
Dropping one bad project doesn't mean that he's a bad artist. Look at Tyler after dropping Cherry Bomb
Like imagine dropping Scorpion and not expecting at least a handful of people to hate you after? That’s just unrealistic
Scorpion review was fair to me
Now if half that album was cut
Another classic
Take care has a few songs that could be called an 8
But NWTS and IYRTITL are both so cohesive and focused to me, I don’t see how they aren’t rated higher. To me it doesn’t matter if music “stands out” or is groundbreaking as long as it is good music
i mean yeah if its good music it gets a good score and i think those are pretty good scores, a 8 is borderline great to me and a 7 is a really good album that i enjoy
They dont hate Drake. Care Package got good ratings, which shows theres not a super bias against him. They, like many non Drake lovers, enjoyed Drakes prime and are disappointed he hasnt reach that level again. Plus, the beefs and other s*** has affected Drakes image. Affected image + releasing non amazing music + Being biggest hip hop artist = mess.
I dont think Drake is anywhere as good as 2011-2015, but what surprised me was how quick everyone turned on him after Views. I know feelings from the ghostwriting allegations was there, but it seemed when people recognized Views wasn't the classic they hoped, they instantly kinda flipped a switch on him
For it to be a 9 every song has to be a 9 or a 10.
NWTS is a classic tho and probably my fav Drake album
This is false as f***, name me a 10/10 album that only has 10/10 songs
It’s not that I don’t think the songs are great. It’s just that it isn’t 10/10 perfect you know what I mean?
Like I can see how someone can think it’s a good album but it’s not a 10/10 classic.
We’ve been conditioned to think a classic is a 10/10 flawless album and I don’t think that’s the case
Very true, i see what you’re saying