  • Jan 20, 2023

    national history is also a construction of selective remembrance and forgetting things that might be unflattering to the broader narrative

    sure it's a bit flip to talk about "fake" vs. "non-fake" countries but an imagined community is still the product of active investment in the same imagined product -- the same vision, roughly -- and yeah, they are thus imagined by a bounded set (give or take some churn at the margins, obviously) of people

    as jussie trudeau said in the quote I posted on the last page, canada ironically is an imagined community which tries to claim as its unifying trait the rejection of what we might call "nation-building.

    Sloth is actually partially right when he says "CANADA has no difference between Americans therefor a fake nation" because CANADA has no difference between it and any nation except that it has no difference (which is itself a difference, since its relationship with, say, France is unique compared to France's relationship with anything)

    If canada was not a fake nation at its inception its certainly getting there as fast as it can

  • Jan 20, 2023
    1 reply

    By coincidence I happen to be listening to the Youtube playlist of every beatles song (at 3:30 in the morning while posting on KTT2 about how Canada is trying to become the first transhumanist nation-state)

    And this song fits Trudeau's Canada pretty well

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jan 20, 2023

    In all seriousness Canada gets perceived as America Jr. full of cold and exceedingly nice people at times so it's hard not to clown

    Speaking as someone who was in BC for a bit. This is kind of spot on. At least with older generation Canadians. A lot of old money up there they acts like your typical US trump supporter. Manners are non existent (mind you I live in the south) people are so thrown off when you have common manners like “yes sir” “no ma’am” or holding a door open.

    And Canadians can’t drive for s***

  • Jan 20, 2023

    As M. Trudeau (Justin) said in 2015:

    ‘Countries with a strong national identity — linguistic, religious or cultural — are finding it a challenge to effectively integrate people from different backgrounds. In France, there is still a typical citizen and an atypical citizen. Canada doesn’t have that dynamic... There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada... There are shared values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first postnational state.’’

    this makes no sense

    the dominant ethnic/racial group will always make up the “true subject” of a nation, theres a reason canadian nationalist movements align with white supremacists against refugees and other immigrants perceived as “non-white”

    civic nationalism and ethno-nationalism isn’t a dichotomy because they blur together, you can’t seperate them from each other

    this is idiotic liberal idealism at its finest

  • Jan 20, 2023

    By coincidence I happen to be listening to the Youtube playlist of every beatles song (at 3:30 in the morning while posting on KTT2 about how Canada is trying to become the first transhumanist nation-state)

    And this song fits Trudeau's Canada pretty well


    He's a real nowhere man
    Sitting in his nowhere land
    Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

    Trudeau to a T. I'm not even usually one of his big haters but, c'mon now, first off the dude is somehow the son of probably the most famous Canuck PM of all time, and now the PM in his own right for going on 8 years, and he still remains a bizarrely cipherous former theater kid who seems like he wants to be anyone but himself. this meme hits for a reason

    So here's nowhere man, sitting in what we've already established is a nowhere land. his policies are nowhere plans in the sense that while i am not necessarily attacking his quasi-socialist (yes, marxists, socialism can exist outside of the theoretico-authoritarian ambit of your ideology) policies -- given the avowed nonexistence of canada, they are plans for a country that does not exist.

    they are plans for nobody, since canadians don't exist. nobody in particular is the benefit of Trudeauian largesse -- just the accumulated surplus population of the actual countries of the world that happen to be inside of the borders of canada at any given time.

    Doesn't have a point of view
    Knows not where he's going to
    Isn't he a bit like you and me?

    We can rag on Trudeau for being an aimless fella, and for openly saying Canada is nothing but, like, being nice and having the same abstracted, depersonalized VALUES... but isn't he like you and me? aren't we, for all our avowed ideologies, unsure where exactly we are headed.

    Nowhere man please listen
    You don't know what you're missing
    Nowhere man, the world is at your command
    He's as blind as he can be
    Just sees what he wants to see
    Nowhere man, can you see me at all
    Nowhere man don't worry
    Take your time, don't hurry
    Leave it all 'til somebody else
    Lends you a hand

    from Trudeau's victory speech from the 2019 election (

    He starts off saying that "tonight Canadians rejected division and negativity." Of course, what he ultimately means by that is that Canadians rejected particularity -- they rejected the diversity of actually being different, as opposed to being interchangeable Canadian Health Service Customers with perfunctory phenotypic and linguistic differences but ultimately fungible because of their Shared Canadian Values.

    On patriotism: "One of my favourite prime ministers, Wilfrid Laurier, often talked about patriotism and the unifying power of common goals and aspirations and I’ve thought about that a lot since getting into politics. In my conversations with Canadians right across the country, I’ve seen firsthand that there is so much more that unites us than divides us. Canadians expect us all to focus on our shared vision of a stronger Canada, and I intend to work hard to make that a reality."

    A bunch of typical guff, of course. Does he know what he is missing, what should seem obvious in drawing the contrast between himself and Laurier, who governed from 1896 to 1911? Laurier was a man who could handle difference, whose belief in Canada as a unifying concept nevertheless did not forget that differences were very real. He tried to be neutral in the Anglo-French Canada battle (very much even more nasty at the time), and as the PM of a Commonwealth country, he did keep his pimp hand a bit strong against the Franco-nucks. (For instance, he didn't repeal Manitoba's ban on Catholic schools, which surely would make a Trudeau-era Liberal faint.)

    He also invited in so many immigrants that it almost doubled Canada's population. (Trudeau likes this part, I imagine.) Quoth this webpage devoted to Laurier: "From 1897 to 1914, more than 3 million newcomers arrived in a Canada with a population of just 3.5 million inhabitants during the census of 1871. People came from everywhere to settle here: Great Britain for the most part, but also Poland, Russia, the Ukraine, Germany, Italy, China, Japan and Finland." (

    Was there nativist murmuring and disfavor? Were there roadblocks to assimilation? Was there a racist policy of restricting Asian immigration? Yes to all. It wasn't sunshine and rainbows.

    However, it was an example of how immigration can vitalize a country -- a NATION -- and those immigrants' descendants became a part of the Canadian nation, the people who give the polity life. The tension between their pre-existing national identities and the concomitant cultural embodiment they carried within themselves, and their new "duty" to be a Canadian, is a creative tension by which new culture, and new social life, is created.

    To be a post-national country is to have people move into your country, to have "the world... at your command" at least embodied into all the peoples of the world represented by immigrant-tribunes -- and to be so blind that all you can see is a fantastic, utopian vision of leading a country of "nowhere men," of people who can be assimilated because you ask nothing of them, you introduce them to nothing new that they did not bring with them. You have these Canadian values, but what the Canadian values ultimatly amount to, explicitly, is learning how to co-exist placidly in a place which is, as McLuhan himself said, "the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity."

    Nowhere land indeed.

  • Jan 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I mean Drake aka Aubrey Graham aka Champagne Papi aka Drizzy aka the 6 God aka the Kentucky Wildcats' number one shooter aka Wheelchair Jimmy is a Canadian, that's all that I really needed to say.

  • Jan 20, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    Banned guns, ran by a corrupt socialist, and have to wait 6 months for a doctors appointment

    Do other Americans get doctors appointments quicker than that because it usually takes me that long

  • Jan 20, 2023
    1 reply

    For g-d's sake, he literally totally made up the Toronto nickname "The Six" and it stuck

    (I believe the conspiracy theory that it was "borrowed" from Quentin Miller using the term to refer to Zone Six in Atlanta)

  • Jan 20, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    Replace the UK with Canada the same exact video

    “free health care” 👍

    Help im starving and dying i only make $66,700 a year with my maths job

  • Jan 20, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    Replace the UK with Canada the same exact video

    “free health care” 👍

    Dumbest f***ing post

    “Hey pretend this stupid tiktok by some rich douche about the UK is about canada, also pretend that these numbers have any actual meaning”

  • kttmz ⚰️
    Jan 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I mean Drake aka Aubrey Graham aka Champagne Papi aka Drizzy aka the 6 God aka the Kentucky Wildcats' number one shooter aka Wheelchair Jimmy is a Canadian, that's all that I really needed to say.

    So its the goat country?

  • Jan 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Because most Americans are idiots

  • Jan 20, 2023

    Because most Americans are idiots

  • gabapentin

    For g-d's sake, he literally totally made up the Toronto nickname "The Six" and it stuck

    (I believe the conspiracy theory that it was "borrowed" from Quentin Miller using the term to refer to Zone Six in Atlanta)

    Jimmy Prime came up with the 6ix

    In an interview with Nardwuard, the rapper admitted that he did not coin Toronto’s nickname as many Torontonians assume. Local Toronto rappers, Jimmy Prime and Oliver North were the actual creators of the term.

    Drake said, “Oliver and Jimmy were brainstorming about something and they had come up with the title together, Views from the 6, and I had asked Oliver if I could use the title because I really liked the title,” Drake said. “Oliver had come up with it but yeah, I give all the credit to Jimmy. He was definitely part of that process, finding the right title for the album, and obviously, that title birthed a whole movement for the city.”

  • Jan 20, 2023

    Canadas tried to jack the us’ swag for years

    America never wanted to be in conversation with America lite but America lite just needed to be seen

  • Jan 20, 2023

    The main character syndrome from Americans in this thread is palpable… you can almost smell it

  • AR15 💯
    Jan 20, 2023

    Mfs talking about free healthcare all over the thread but i seen hella stories of how long the waits are at hospitals like 10 hours plus and how they stop covering s*** when ur old lmao.

  • AR15 💯
    Jan 20, 2023

    Literally didnt even know canada existed until so far gone came out

  • Jan 20, 2023

    If there's no difference between us then why are people in other countries always so relieved to find out we're not Americans when traveling


  • Jan 20, 2023

    y’all chatting s*** like we ain’t give you norm macdonald and nathan fielder

  • Jan 20, 2023

    Too easy

    Just look at this thread

  • Jan 20, 2023

    “Maths degree”

    Mans should’ve got an English degree.

  • Jan 20, 2023

    No way are there Americans itt saying Canada has no history

  • Jan 20, 2023
    big stepper renzo

    Cuz Americans have main character syndrome

    Probs makes them forget abt their own problems too

    Huh? Americans complain about our own problems more than anything its our favorite pastime

  • Jan 20, 2023

    Tell ya what, the States can have Toronto. That city's been a sinking ship since the 90s and they all wanna be American anyway