  • Mar 14, 2024

    If Usher, Justin Timberlake, whomever drops underwhelming music, I see a lot of people on here saying, “You can’t expect them to make the same quality of music they did 20 years ago?”

    Ummm why not?

    Music isn’t like sports where it’s physical. As long as the artists have their voice and good producers, they should be able to make quality music.

    I also don’t give them a pass because they’ve demonstrated what they are capable of, so why should I lower my standards/expectations just because time has passed. If anything, my expectations are higher because I would expect them to grow as an artist.

  • Mar 14, 2024
    4 replies

    ask the forum of a fanbase that subconsciously lowered their standards enough to foster a "classic" out of mid

  • Mar 14, 2024
    1 reply

    who says that? people typically say "you can't expect them to make the same music" in terms of style, not quality

  • Mar 14, 2024

    It's not "physical" but the hunger from the start of the career changes drastically

  • Mar 14, 2024

    who says that? people typically say "you can't expect them to make the same music" in terms of style, not quality

    I’ve literally seen people on here say, “You can’t expect another 8701, FSLS, Confessions, etc.

    Not even saying it has to be better. Just close to the same level or as god!

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Mar 14, 2024
    3 replies

    ask the forum of a fanbase that subconsciously lowered their standards enough to foster a "classic" out of mid

    remember when TLOP was Kanye’s worst album

    he hasn’t dropped an album half as good since

  • Mar 14, 2024

    honestly i think most artists get rich and stop caring

  • Mar 14, 2024

    Kind of a dumb question. I don’t give any artist a pass on quality of music but I also understand when I have grown past the age of someone or something.

    As a listener as you age your taste also change, so what you deem as good changes. Also alot of you niggas are hype beast and can’t tell when something is quality If it doesn’t sell well or isn’t consumed en mass, so as these artists get older and age out of the popular demographic, you automatically claim it’s not good.

    Most importantly, they are out out their prime. Usher made confessions, he doesn’t owe anything to the music world anything. In his prime he was clearly number one and competing with his white contemporaries. You’re also comparing his drop quality to that album and let’s be honest, he won’t ever get there again. It would be asinine to think black artist who broke through would also not suffer from the usual racial and structural dynamics in the US that are particular imposed on black folk. Label isn’t making as much money off them so they aren’t promoted as much etc.

  • Mar 14, 2024
    2 replies

    I don't

  • Mar 14, 2024

    It's not so much that they get a "pass."

    It's more so that long/never ending primes aren't the norm in the music industry and never have been except with some artists.

    Prince and Bowie had moments where they were dropping mid albums. Invincible from MJ was a disappointing project. Madonna became hit or miss. Etc.

    The most important aspect is recognizing artists for their primes. If you have a good/strong prime, it won't matter too much if you dropped mid albums esp. late in your career.

    I think people care about this stuff more because music is moving slower than ever before in terms of producing newer stars and newer hype.

    There's barely any new R&B acts reaching the levels of prime Usher/JT so niggas are still looking to them for quality music cause they gave up on the new generation R&B acts who should've been took over the scene.

  • Mar 14, 2024
    HURRY UP sab

    remember when TLOP was Kanye’s worst album

    he hasn’t dropped an album half as good since

    I'd say KSG and even Donda are similar levels of quality as TLOP.

  • Mar 14, 2024
    2 replies

    To expect an artist to be able to keep up with what’s popular to the younger generations, when no longer apart of that age demographic nor have the same drive from coming from a place of having not earned success yet..

    It’s impossible to not fall off. And there’s a difference between artistry and mass appeal. When an older artist hits, I actually think it’s more impressive than not. Recent examples coming to mind, Ye on ¥$, Tribe on their last album, and HOV on 4:44 tbh

  • Mar 14, 2024
    Bow And Arrow

    I don't

  • Mar 14, 2024
    1 reply

    A lot of times people are just coping with their favorite artists not being good anymore. They see the artist as an extension of them and use all of the artists stats and achievements as part of their own. So them giving the artist a pass to them is like making an excuse to defend thenselves

  • Mar 14, 2024
    1 reply

    To expect an artist to be able to keep up with what’s popular to the younger generations, when no longer apart of that age demographic nor have the same drive from coming from a place of having not earned success yet..

    It’s impossible to not fall off. And there’s a difference between artistry and mass appeal. When an older artist hits, I actually think it’s more impressive than not. Recent examples coming to mind, Ye on ¥$, Tribe on their last album, and HOV on 4:44 tbh

    Thinking art is hinged in youth culture is ridiculous

  • Mar 14, 2024
    1 reply

    To expect an artist to be able to keep up with what’s popular to the younger generations, when no longer apart of that age demographic nor have the same drive from coming from a place of having not earned success yet..

    It’s impossible to not fall off. And there’s a difference between artistry and mass appeal. When an older artist hits, I actually think it’s more impressive than not. Recent examples coming to mind, Ye on ¥$, Tribe on their last album, and HOV on 4:44 tbh

    You can fall off commercially and still make good music.

  • Mar 14, 2024

    Thinking art is hinged in youth culture is ridiculous

    It’s absolutely not, and it shouldn’t be. But we don’t live in this world for free.. and all of these things are hinged on being bought and sold, to perpetuate the economic inequality of a capitalist democracy.. or So it becomes about your buying demographics, which statistically will always be focused on the youth as it correlates with growth. Also younger minds are more likely to recklessly spend as opposed to older people with more experience and real life expenditures. That’s all I’m trying to make of that, essentially I man-splained the driving force behind “pop music” but all is applicable to all genres and tactics the labels will traditionally chase, as most businesses do the same thing really

  • Mar 14, 2024

    You can fall off commercially and still make good music.

    Again, no debate. You’re absolutely right. But it’s about sales, and making money off your craft. We get better with age and wisdom, experience.. however less are likely to be tuning in and paying out for it. Not because it ISNT GOOD or a lackluster reflection of artistry. But rather less people from the time of that era a less likely to be keeping up, listening, and spending on it

  • Mar 14, 2024

    ARTISTRY does not equate to an ability to sell. Everything is monetized in this rat race called life, and the point of selling the artistry OR music is to make money off of it. Because the artists are making it their choice of profession, they need to be able to earn and provide $$ as well

  • Mar 14, 2024

    Because they are already….established. We believe they will drop heat again even if they slipped up on a project

  • Mar 14, 2024

    music isn’t like sports but there are moments in your life where you have spurts of creativity combined with talent and not everyone can stay in a creative space or find different creative spaces. but someone drops heat several times a dud can be forgiven too because they showed many times they can do it

  • Mar 14, 2024

    Nigga who was gassing up AI music talmbout lowering standards

  • Mar 14, 2024

    The point being missed here is this.. what’s the POINT of the art? Is it intended to make new, be experimental, and open up more to creating in the future? Or is it to make something so appealing it grabs everyone, and sells enough to have it reflect as a success financially? It’s the age old dichotomy of experimental v hit. What endears a generation of fans more, successful #1’s or music that you’ve never heard before that makes people want to build off that. Yeezy v Drake really when you think about it. And both are great artists, no shame at all. But you can tell which one has a grip on the people bc of their consistency of success, and the other for how much they’ve done being unique as an artist to resonate waves for other artists

  • Mar 14, 2024

    But actually wonderful point to be made here. FATD & Vultures 1 we’re masterpieces for the exact opposite reasons. Drake panned out despite it going #1, but why? Bc he was being experimental as f*** on the project and I can see how he’s enabling other artists to do more. And basically gave his fans an album full of sleepers and growers. WHILE Kanye, who’s done this TIME AND TIME again, project after project.. went the route of providing what would be appealing as hits to the masses. He really didn’t experiment much and gave a focused effort at giving his listeners something more of HITS. And both had incredible success despite it being against the grain of what they’ve predominantly released the last 10 years of their discographies..

  • Mar 14, 2024
    HURRY UP sab

    remember when TLOP was Kanye’s worst album

    he hasn’t dropped an album half as good since

    Yup and it was a legendary run, but expecting that all the time, in hindsight, was foolish. I just want to get at least a few good tracks and a couple really great ones from a Kanye project now which is what he's been doing since DONDA. I admit the stannery in the ¥$ thread is over the top but at least they're happy