If I did it would look very different than what you're used to!
That ain't how billboard works
That ain't how billboard works
I would change how it works? Work on your reading comprehension
S*** is jokes lol
Thanks for going out of your way just to waste my time with 2 useless quotes
S*** is jokes lol
Thanks for going out of your way just to waste my time with 2 useless quotes
Guy popularity isn't up to you how popular something is basis on the stats, streams, etc
Guy popularity isn't up to you how popular something is basis on the stats, streams, etc
That's exactly what I said in my first post that you quoted and misunderstood LMFAO
because most ppl are casual listeners who only want fun and upbeat songs, such as Humble. No causal listener gonna be oupt here listening to SAMDOT on a regular basis lol. Most ppl just want their music to be fun, light,and danceable
The general population are sheep and instead of looking for what they like they simply take what is handed to them.
That's exactly what I said in my first post that you quoted and misunderstood LMFAO
"Participating in crowning" You participating or not doesn't not make it Kendrick's most popular song... This isn't like participating in thinking somethings great.
but alright
"Participating in crowning" You participating or not doesn't not make it Kendrick's most popular song... This isn't like participating in thinking somethings great.
but alright
Go get some p**** bro you're bored