Sometimes it a pain but its also like a mixsture of needing to go again but if u just let it go it goes away. Feels uncomfortable to sit down most times. People usually say pooping feel good. Well no lets talk about it
On the toilet as I see this thread title
edit: did not feel this
edit: on the toilet as I saw this thread again im not joking
And they say tiktok is when the youth died
Hemorrhoid maybe?
No i dont think so doesnt tht last for days? Im tlking like the feeling 5-10 minutes afterwards then its gone
No i dont think so doesnt tht last for days? Im tlking like the feeling 5-10 minutes afterwards then its gone
go to a doctor my dude. i feel great after a s*** i have no idea what yr describing honestly
its because you havent completely shat, you probably shat 3/4 of your load
Idk if I actually want/need an answer to this but have you tried laxatives, like glycerin caps
I’m not a Proctologist but f*** it I’ll take a look.
your rectum hole just expanded , gotta let it return to form