I don't go anywhere so I haven't heard it tbh
But I wouldn't doubt that it's playing somewhere probably maybe a lot of places
Not sure what is or isn't you know
Could be that or some other stuff
Sick of this word it's all I've been seeing on ktt the last 2 weeks 😭
And everyone who’s trying to cope saying that teezo touchdowns (he’s 30 years old if you didn’t know) verse had the same effect as don tolivers verse on can’t say you are r e t a r d e d
real for ableism. brave soul
OP fighting with himself bruh
Some s*** many of us can relate to
can anybody name some albums that dropped in the past 3 years that ktt didn't say came and went
Donda and CLB feel like the last meaningful releases in hip hop
That album, along with Utopia is complete garbage so it makes sense they both came and went
That album, along with Utopia is complete garbage so it makes sense they both came and went
He’s retarded 💔
1, 3, 4, 5
when did you predict this? because depending on the date, this would be some legendary s***
Honestly can’t think of one high profile hip hop album the past couple years that ktt didn’t say came and went
can anybody name some albums that dropped in the past 3 years that ktt didn't say came and went
Exactly. This same thread gets made every time there’s an album drop. Only variable is how much traction it gets.
And no his weekly sales do not impress me those are Mickey mouse numbers. It really feels like this album didn’t stick around like astroworld did.
Well, it wasn’t as good as Astroworld for one thing
the more time that goes on the more songs i find that i like on it. i hated it on first listen
Utopia is way better than Astroworld, project for project
Even though Astroworld has a few better songs
It didn’t come and go, I still have convos about it and it’s the biggest album of the year, I’m not sure what you expect
And everyone who’s trying to cope saying that teezo touchdowns (he’s 30 years old if you didn’t know) verse had the same effect as don tolivers verse on can’t say you are r e t a r d e d
The guys 30 so his feature didn’t rock? What?