Cuz muthafukas who drink Mountain Dew and takis all day and sit in a cheap gamer chair got weak hips….& text neck….& permanently s-curled shaped dysmorphic bodies that are now only capable of beating off and feeding themselves off of paper plates, but not dancing; such as the sensation that this music invokes
About half of what I listen to is dancehall. I think the varying levels of intelligibility due to all the patois holds the music back in popularity. Even after listening for years there are some artists that I swear could only be understood in the 10 mile radius of where they grew up. Also, dancehall doesn’t have much of an album culture. Some artists (Popcaan, Kartel, Alkaline, Masicka) have put out some albums, but Americans dont want to sift through a bunch of singles with weird cover art and occasionally really bad mixing. I think the only stuff that will ever get popular here is whenever a drake or Justin Bieber hops on a dancehall beat, ie kinda what the dancehall moment was in 2016-17
They're both fairly hard to get into if you're not either from where the music is made, or were raised on that music. It's a very regionally oriented sound
Plus a lot of dancehall that gets popularized is pretty homogeneous and almost exclusively about having s***even if there's a lot more to dancehall than just that topic/sound lol
Like when people talk about Dancehall they don't bring up a lot of the legends/pioneers they refer mostly to trendier pop artists which is fine but they're often not exactly the best form of that sound if we're keeping it a buck, even in terms of party-oriented dancehall music.
lol stop. It's a greater percentage of niggas that are abhorrent to dancehall and afrobeats. S*** other genres that's not hiphop or r&b
who yall b around