he's dropped an album like every year since 2009 except for 2017 and 2019 i think so it's not like he never drops s***
What was Satelite Flight and the WZRD then
SF a trippy classic
WZRD a happy classic fam. Cudi in rare form
Cudi’s career reminds me of Mos Def’s career in the late 90’s and 2000’s.They are highly acclaimed and appreciated but rarely release.
I think the acting career and his festival tour runs are enough to pay his bills and maintain his lifestyle.
its because he went to rehab in 2016 shortly before PP&DS came out and after all these traumatic years he spent depressed, suicidal and addicted he finally got the help he always knew he needed.
a major shift in his life i would assume.
so i think he just took some time off to get used to his new situation, gotta take awhile to get settled in again with life etc plus he's got a daughter after all
plus he released a project every year since motm2 to ppds (2010-2016) and ksg happened in 2018...
so what yall talking about him not dropping ?
if u knew the circumstances u knew why.
Because of this
I was at a red-light with my family and this man proceeded to roll his window down and smile at us. My children were in tears...
I was at a red-light with my family and this man proceeded to roll his window down and smile at us. My children were in tears...
He's probably mastering a new sound. Trashes it. Starts over. Repeat.
Looking forward to something new from Cudi tho.
yes maybe on opposite day
every pnd album has topped the one before it in terms of the trilogy
He’s releasing an album this year along with a tv show
He had KSG with Kanye in 2018
Passion Pain and Demon Slayin in 2016
He will put out music when he feels like it, I trust him.
What I personally miss is his presence on Twitter. He hasn't been the same online since PP&DS era...
I was at a red-light with my family and this man proceeded to roll his window down and smile at us. My children were in tears...