  • Jun 19, 2021

    Only other countries id move to would be like Quebec, Somewhere in England etc

  • Cape Town is so beautiful

  • Jun 19, 2021

    why this racist at banned yet f*** these mods doing

  • Jun 19, 2021

    South Africa should be f***ing destroyed it’s basically a miniature Australia except there’s zero international accountability for the horrific s*** they’ve done and continue to do

  • Jun 19, 2021
    1 reply

    OP is stupid as f***. Yeah the gentrified ass neighborhood a few blocks away from me got nice houses too after they kicked out dozens of single parent families and tripled rent

    F***ing dumbass

    The neighborhood I showed was mostly "coloured" I jus thought it looked nice
    Looking deeper into that neighborhood it has a hideous past and present

    I figured since the apartheid is gone black ppl must have more wealth going in South Africa

  • Jun 19, 2021

    I'm a Georgia boy and I gotta be able to do Georgia boy s***

  • bandslabands

    The neighborhood I showed was mostly "coloured" I jus thought it looked nice
    Looking deeper into that neighborhood it has a hideous past and present

    I figured since the apartheid is gone black ppl must have more wealth going in South Africa

    Yeah “since slavery gone in the US black people should have more wealth”
    We know that’s not the case


    Read some history before you start glorifying a disgusting s***hole like SA

  • Jun 19, 2021

    Isn’t SA has high crime rate

    Seen a lot of shoot out videos from there, I think black people have enough of that in here already.

  • Jun 19, 2021

    What black people you talking about?

  • Jun 19, 2021

    unless you're already really really rich being white in South Africa is much worse than being black currently. Tho if you're black American theres so many better countries to live in, Id go to Cape Verde, Rwanda, Lagos or Ivory Coast. You can buy places for real cheap and have a good life.

  • Jun 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Nah bro we don’t need more black people in a country run by Europeans.

    If anything Black Americans should move to Ghana or Ethiopia and start building a black empire.

    Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda prob better than Ghana or Ethiopia though Ghana like incredibly cheap its just hard to get its economy going.

  • Innocent

    Waiting on Akon to drop his city.

    thats gonna be all Chinese lol

  • Jun 19, 2021
    2 replies

    Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda prob better than Ghana or Ethiopia though Ghana like incredibly cheap its just hard to get its economy going.

    Nigeria is not the place for a black empire bro lol ask me and @Doubledawg227 what it’s like there

    Nigeria is a f***ing mess idk about the other countries but forget about that one

  • Bestowed

    Its hella expensive to live there.
    Gang wars aint no joke in the slums

  • Jun 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Man every place got its own problems. Brazil, South Africa, Japan, youre gonna face something, so just make sure you do your research if youre gonna take the plunge


    Nigeria is not the place for a black empire bro lol ask me and @Doubledawg227 what it’s like there

    Nigeria is a f***ing mess idk about the other countries but forget about that one

    Nigeria is big lol, depends where you at but yeah making an empire you can exclude it, the rest are pretty valid.

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Jun 19, 2021

    Will definitely go there on vacation in the next 3 years and might retire there, I can understand afrikaans and also fluent in swaghili so that makes it easy

  • Jun 19, 2021

    Man every place got its own problems. Brazil, South Africa, Japan, youre gonna face something, so just make sure you do your research if youre gonna take the plunge


  • Jun 19, 2021

    Seen a video of it dis morning reminds me on an African version of Los Angeles


    The houses look nice asf to and actually affordable

    Been looking at dis one neighborhood it look nice asf to mi looks jus like San Diego

    America is still the goat country lol

  • Jun 19, 2021
    2 replies

    i think Liberia is what happened when Black Americans moved to it. they went there and oppressed the people there.

    i think it would be great but moving to poorer countries (or places with poorer people) with wealth tends to be harmful.

  • op has never been to san diego

  • Jun 19, 2021

    South Africa is still a obviously segregated society and very dangerous.

  • Jun 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Black Americans trying to run a Liberia on Africa still...

    Stay where you are fam...

  • Jun 19, 2021

    Or Liberia if we're willing to invest as a collective to build it up to our current standard in the states. Liberia was founded by Black American slaves

    Liberia ran thru how many civil wars fam???

    Stop trying to colonize African States

  • Jun 19, 2021
    2 replies

    Lol why Just South Africa. This one of my issues with you Americans and the rest. Y'all see the whole continent of Africa as just one country Africa. Then if y'all try to be specific its South Africa and in your minds the rest is just a zoo with niggas running around. Stay in your country bruh. We don't want y'all here