Em only talks to Sway and some random hip-hop outlets for the past like 15 years dude's a boomer
eminem is 50 years old and about to be a granddad. he'll make his silly little songs but ultimately he's way too old to go out there and cause real problems for himself and bring unnecessary stress into his life.
Imagine Charlemagne questioning em on why he was beefing with his mom for all those years
Id actually love that especially if it happened during the prime of Breakfast Club
But Charlamagne is openly decently critical of Em, and Em seems to like to have full control of his interviews.
Probably just don't want to i don't think it's super deep imo even with the bars he had for Charlamagne
Id actually love that especially if it happened during the prime of Breakfast Club
But Charlamagne is openly decently critical of Em, and Em seems to like to have full control of his interviews.
I wish he'd do more non controlled interviews i blame Paul an example on that limited pod Paul had for promo with CC2 Em would go to tell a story n Paul would cut him off n tell the rest of the story for him s*** was damn near unlistenable
Think before you post. I can say as an Em stan that I don't even want a rumor he'll go to the interview. What are you a journalist? Write him a letter. Let's not make a mockery of it like Birdman made Charlemagne do. Let the stars align themselves if it is really going to happen. Fight me.
I wish he'd do more non controlled interviews i blame Paul an example on that limited pod Paul had for promo with CC2 Em would go to tell a story n Paul would cut him off n tell the rest of the story for him s*** was damn near unlistenable
bro its even worse now eminem basically said paul is the reason hes uncool on a new whoo kid podcast and Paul sounded butthurt and was like im gonna edit it out and eminem was like make sure he doesn't edit that out, whoo kid
paul is def the handler. he prolly traumatized from how wild em has been in the distant past
C the god a hoe but he’s gonna ask him them questions everybody else scared to ask why you think em only goes to shade45 so they can glaze him every interview
Why would they want to get baited lol
bro its even worse now eminem basically said paul is the reason hes uncool on a new whoo kid podcast and Paul sounded butthurt and was like im gonna edit it out and eminem was like make sure he doesn't edit that out, whoo kid
paul is def the handler. he prolly traumatized from how wild em has been in the distant past
Cannot stand Paul bruh he def the handler i feel bruh just keeps him around because the history they have but Paul the big reason him n Snoop had that small spat that interview was off for me idk but that didn't help the vibes i get someone could say Em not bein serious but i mean vibes were sorta off