  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Blowheads are so common now, it’s either that or K. Nobody that’s a consistent user stopped cause of fent lmfao. Ask a drunk yt boy do he want a bump, buddy gonna think it’s Christmas lol. Girls in my city love that s***

    That's a terrible idea on their end

    I'm sticking with grass and liquor, but mostly grass lol. Not worth the risk and it's terrible for you anyway

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    damn I’m a square I just do kratom/phenibut

    Phenibut is goated though, it’s like diet MDMA you can take relatively more often

    This is me nowadays too lol coke and d*** days are long behind me. Kratom could be one of the greatest all around d**** on earth.

  • Dec 8, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    That's a terrible idea on their end

    I'm sticking with grass and liquor, but mostly grass lol. Not worth the risk and it's terrible for you anyway

    I agree it’s a terrible idea, but that’s how these dudes move at bars/clubs. I’ll just stick to water and enough for a buzz

  • Dec 8, 2023

    I’m not touching no coke unless I get it from a d*** cartels hands

  • Dec 8, 2023
    p apollo

    im doing panera charged lemonades

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    idk why its gotta be a race thing I did coke with plenty nonwhite folk in college

    Niggas was barely pitching in for nickelbags. I’m supposed to believe they can afford coke? Every week?

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    I understand being in your early 20s and in the party scene doing d****, but if you 30 and over and still doing coke then you are holding the L.

    Weed the only d*** we f*** with.

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Natural progression of caffeine cigarettes and alcohol

  • Dec 8, 2023

    Natural progression of caffeine cigarettes and alcohol

    “natural” lmao

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Great with sex. I know people will come at me for this but it’s a relatively safe d***, like most d**** when used responsibly. People have been chewing cocoa leaves for thousands of years, it has no physical withdrawal and it has the same addiction rate as alcohol. Universities wouldn’t give it to test subjects to study the effect if it was that dangerous. What is dangerous is what it’s cut with, unknown potency and incorrrect dosaging.

    no withdrawal is crazy

  • Dec 8, 2023

    no withdrawal is crazy

    No physical withdrawal, not no withdrawal, I posted about this somewhere else in the thread, you should check it out.

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    This is me nowadays too lol coke and d*** days are long behind me. Kratom could be one of the greatest all around d**** on earth.

    Yeah Kratom is fire especially because it’s so cheap online, I just hate that it gives me nightmares and it makes me hella dehydrated too

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Yeah Kratom is fire especially because it’s so cheap online, I just hate that it gives me nightmares and it makes me hella dehydrated too

    I don’t experience the nightmares! I have read about other people having trouble with sleep though. It is so cheap yeah and it feels so so good.

  • Dec 8, 2023

    Niggas was barely pitching in for nickelbags. I’m supposed to believe they can afford coke? Every week?

    I had a roomie who would buy by the gram at least weekly by the end of the year and like space it all out, was weird

    Everyone else I knew it was just kinda if it was there and would have some. But a lot of it was received from trades

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    I don’t experience the nightmares! I have read about other people having trouble with sleep though. It is so cheap yeah and it feels so so good.

    what’s your average dose? I used to do 5g+ at a time but then I took a break and recently I was doing like 2g a day to keep it low

  • Dec 8, 2023

    name 1 advantage of doing coke

    Makes it easier to sell if you do it with your clients
    You’ll also meet more people who are into it + more likely to start meeting people to run for you as well. People trust you more if you do your own s*** and you build a more reliable phone

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    what’s your average dose? I used to do 5g+ at a time but then I took a break and recently I was doing like 2g a day to keep it low

    Like 4-6 teaspoons a dose! So 8-12 grams. Tbh I have been doing that 2 or 3 times a day and am gonna cut back lol even a couple grams hits though

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Like 4-6 teaspoons a dose! So 8-12 grams. Tbh I have been doing that 2 or 3 times a day and am gonna cut back lol even a couple grams hits though

    You don't feel sick from that much?

  • Dec 8, 2023

    You don't feel sick from that much?

    Nope! If I feel a little bit nauseas and then lie down it goes away. Then I just chill for a couple hours. Best feeling, closest thing to codeine I have had since i quit it. Have never thrown up from it before.

  • Dec 8, 2023

    Ppl always done coke, it's just becoming more socially acceptable to admit.

    Me personally, I'll stick to alcohol. Fentanyl is too risky with these d****.

  • Dec 8, 2023
    Venus as a boy

    addiction is weird like that
    i've done all kinds of d**** but never got hooked on any of them, even mdma that's my favourite d*** i could go the rest of my life without touching it and not care
    but weed is a different story for me, my weed addiciton has been out of control for years, tried to quit many times but failed


  • Dec 8, 2023
    2 replies
    Venus as a boy

    Tried coke a few times but never felt that, it just makes me feel extra sober.

    Last time i tried coke was after i had done mdma, i was loving the high from the mdma but a friend offered coke and i said f*** it, that s*** just ruined my mdma high and made me feel stone cold sober, 3/10 won't try again
    mdma still reigns supreme as the best d***

    Rattlesnakes are goated ur tripping prolly got bad coke

  • Dec 10, 2023
    gregor samsa

    Rattlesnakes are goated ur tripping prolly got bad coke

    i probably just never did enough to ge actually high

    I like experimenting with d**** but I'm kind of a p**** so I never go too far

  • Dec 10, 2023
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus

    Unrivaled confidence for like 25 minutes

    Your coke got 30 minute high

    My coke got two ow-uh high

  • Dec 10, 2023
    1 reply
    gregor samsa

    Rattlesnakes are goated ur tripping prolly got bad coke

    I done it too many times but it scientifically is proven to counter act parts of MDMA like that