  • Mar 25, 2020

    I work in beverages so I drive to different stores a day and if anything I'm seeing more people. Definitely more elders and people bringing their whole families along smh

  • Mar 25, 2020
    2 replies
    CNA Lov3ly

    1) my job still wants me in
    2) hoes keep calling. I legit had 3 drunk Spanish girls bouncing their asses in my face last night

    Everytime someone posts something like this I imagine they got tagged along to a party where there WERE 3 spanish b****es but you just sat in the corner drinking your bud light all night

  • Mar 25, 2020

    Everytime someone posts something like this I imagine they got tagged along to a party where there WERE 3 spanish b****es but you just sat in the corner drinking your bud light all night

  • Mar 25, 2020

    Very odd flex mate very odd

    just tryna say its not hard to sit at home if u dont need to work .

  • Mar 25, 2020

    chillin in my backyard...

  • i get super sad staying inside and not being active. I stayed inside for the majority of my life but now that i do s*** i get actually depressed staying inside.

  • Mar 25, 2020

    Tbh I’ve been staying inside but I have the sudden urge to go shoot some hoops

  • Mar 25, 2020
    1 reply

    been pretty easy
    i be sleeping a lot

  • Mar 25, 2020

    I can see why it would be hard for someone with an active lifestyle to just stay home all day for an unknown period of time

  • Mar 25, 2020
    hey man relax

    mfs cant even look themselves in the mirror bro you think they can live a week by themselves?

  • Mar 26, 2020

    Everytime someone posts something like this I imagine they got tagged along to a party where there WERE 3 spanish b****es but you just sat in the corner drinking your bud light all night

    It was my ex and her friends. Since this whole quarantine thing started they've been blowing my phone up everyday to come over and drink

  • Mar 26, 2020

    Taking advantage of drunk women

    They be taking advantage of me

  • Mar 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Honestly i hope they take the virus back to their families so they can see the severity of whats going on. Its not fair to those that are actually abiding to the stay at home quarantine stuff while these selfish clowns prolong the length of the order smh

  • Mar 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Honestly i hope they take the virus back to their families so they can see the severity of whats going on. Its not fair to those that are actually abiding to the stay at home quarantine stuff while these selfish clowns prolong the length of the order smh

    fk wrong wit you

  • Mar 26, 2020
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    fk wrong wit you

    arent you a cna lmfao you should understand how f***ing annoying it is for ppl to be ignoring orders to stay inside and go out with their friends like its a f***in vacation. you of all ppl should understand that these ppl are gonna contribute to overloading the hospitals with cases that we right now cannot take in especially with the nationwide scarcity of medical supplies

  • Mar 26, 2020
    1 reply

    arent you a cna lmfao you should understand how f***ing annoying it is for ppl to be ignoring orders to stay inside and go out with their friends like its a f***in vacation. you of all ppl should understand that these ppl are gonna contribute to overloading the hospitals with cases that we right now cannot take in especially with the nationwide scarcity of medical supplies

    A mass majority is still listening. Even still wishing misfortune on the next man is not the move

  • Mar 26, 2020
    CNA Lov3ly

    A mass majority is still listening. Even still wishing misfortune on the next man is not the move

    idgaf these mfers acting selfish so ima be selfish too and wish that upon them. these young adults dont know how to listen with their ears, the only way they gonna learn at this point is through personal experience

  • Mar 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Cause if you’re an active person that love being out and doing s***, being in the crib for an unknown amount of time would be hard. It’s really that simple.

  • Apr 3, 2020


  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    s*** wild

    i went on a grocery run and they were a s*** load of families out at the park lmao


    s*** wild

    i went on a grocery run and they were a s*** load of families out at the park lmao

    So what? As long as they’re not standing in huge groups it doesn’t matter. Humans are meant to be outside.

  • Apr 3, 2020
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Cause if you’re an active person that love being out and doing s***, being in the crib for an unknown amount of time would be hard. It’s really that simple.

    Thats understandable but it wasn't even a week before mfs was outside like it was nothing.

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply
    the end

    been pretty easy
    i be sleeping a lot

    Meditate too

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Meditate too

    idk what that means

  • Apr 3, 2020
    the end

    idk what that means
