PS3 used this weirdass technology called a cell processor, the way MGS4 was made it was basically a straight-up tech demo for the way that processor worked
bringing it over to PS4 ain't impossible by any stretch, but it's way more of a challenge than modern day Konami is up to the task of
Maybe if they didn’t fire their superstar player ...
They have every metal gear on game pass except 4
F*** I just bought MGS V.... gonna have to send it back lol
Do you know if you have a game downloaded and it leaves, do you lose it?
I have GTA V downloaded and been playing it but haven’t finished it yet. It leaves Game Pass in May 7th.... will I lose it then?
the best metal gear title
niggas that call it "just a movie" are either stupid or never actually played it while just reciting memes
MGS4 way to slept on I need to be able to play this
because it f***in sucks
because it f***in sucks
It's fun but I cant lie I ended up liking 5 way more
4 definitely has some incredible moments and clearly more story.
5's gameplay just really clicked with me after I got the dog and I ain't never looked back since
Why is the collection not on Switch @Konami.
Crazy how this skipping PS4 but it’s finally coming out in the next collection (i think)
Crazy how this skipping PS4 but it’s finally coming out in the next collection (i think)
When it’s on the Master Collection but it’s still only 720p 30fps
When it’s on the Master Collection but it’s still only 720p 30fps
The day Konami finally goes bankrupt and has to sell off its IP to Sony
Looking back at it all these years later, I see the silliness and flaws people knocked it for. But even still, it was an amazing experience. Mgs4 is a game for the fans. For true fans of metal gear, it had absolutely everything you could want pretty much. I'll never forget when the f***in screen split while fighting suicide gekko, while raiden fought vamp on top of rex. Not sure how today's gamers would react to alot of what mgs 4 offers but back then it was hailed as one of the greatest games ever. And "Father and Son" for the soundtrack was such an amazing sendoff for snake.
Cant wait till we get a story trailer for snake eater I wanna see how they are gonna handle the cutscenes and how characters like the boss and volgin ocelot etc look.
Crazy how this skipping PS4 but it’s finally coming out in the next collection (i think)
It’s gonna be a YouTube movie like the kingdom heart collection for the ds games
It’s gonna be a YouTube movie like the kingdom heart collection for the ds games
This is very evil energy