Not reselling = flop? Every drop sells out in a minute
Drake is not known for his fashion
Dog what the f*** happen to so-and-so, where did they go?
They too worried 'bout b****es and fashion, they go missin' in action.
same way kanye can sell one million shoes in a day , but cant do half of that in album sales in a week
also nocta looks like average nike s*** , we gotta remeber yeezys are very exotic thats their selling point they all look unique
beyonces ivy park barely even sells even tho shes bigger than kanye and has a cleaner pr
nobody follows drake for fashion end of. tech wear is popular but its all been done or theres various alternatives. it sells well from a business point of view, it just won't ever be as honoured as others because its not changing anything fashion wise.. but it doesnt try to. they in their own lanes.
Drake CH didn't flop and you think Nocta is flopping? Come on man
What does ch mean
It’s not even 7am
top of da moanin
top of da moanin
top of da moanin
top of da moanin
Idk why people are having think pieces about this narrative as if the s*** isn’t selling out
people were arguing with me about how he was one of the biggest artists in fashion purely because of the OVO line
I get that fashion isnt his lane but his stans should accept that instead of capping like his clothes/shoes arent giga mid