  • Mar 21, 2020

    I’m genuinely curious. It was brought back to mind because of comments I’ve seen about After Hours having no features. And any time this happens in Hip Hop/RnB, it’s looked at as “daring” or “risky” and has become the exception instead of the rule. Why is this? This is the only scene in music that is like this. In Rock or Metal, most bands never have any guest vocalists. We’re talking prolly 90% of albums have no features. This would apply to Country, even a lot of Pop as well. It seems that Hip Hop is the only genre where features are basically EXPECTED at this point.

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Don’t think there’s another genre that has such a focus on lyrics, and how their delivered like hip-hop. When two artist that have really good flow and lyrics get together it’s something special.

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    you're asking why different genres of music have different cultures?

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Don’t think there’s another genre that has such a focus on lyrics, and how their delivered like hip-hop. When two artist that have really good flow and lyrics get together it’s something special.

    Very true, but it’s also become so dependent on features where you’ll have a lot of instances where a bunch of mfs that don’t fit will be thrown together on a song jus to make a quick remix, or features will be slapped all over an album that don’t fit simply because artists feel like they “need” to now.

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Mar 21, 2020
    3 replies

    wtf just realized theres no feats on afterhours

  • Mar 21, 2020

    Very true, but it’s also become so dependent on features where you’ll have a lot of instances where a bunch of mfs that don’t fit will be thrown together on a song jus to make a quick remix, or features will be slapped all over an album that don’t fit simply because artists feel like they “need” to now.

    Now a day’s it’s all about name recognition so we get trash like don’t give a f***. Name recognition and profits

  • Mar 21, 2020

    you're asking why different genres of music have different cultures?

    I mean not the cultures. This literally comes down to jus the music itself.

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    wtf just realized theres no feats on afterhours


  • Mar 21, 2020
    2 replies

    I’m genuinely curious. It was brought back to mind because of comments I’ve seen about After Hours having no features. And any time this happens in Hip Hop/RnB, it’s looked at as “daring” or “risky” and has become the exception instead of the rule. Why is this? This is the only scene in music that is like this. In Rock or Metal, most bands never have any guest vocalists. We’re talking prolly 90% of albums have no features. This would apply to Country, even a lot of Pop as well. It seems that Hip Hop is the only genre where features are basically EXPECTED at this point.

    because bands already have multiple people putting in work, hip hop is more isolated

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Mar 21, 2020


    so many flows and melodies didnt know 1 man could do all of this

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Rodeo was a disappointment to me cause of how many features

  • Mar 21, 2020

    because bands already have multiple people putting in work, hip hop is more isolated

    I mean true, but it’s the same in the sense that there’s only one vocalist usually. And each instrument is carried out by a separate person instead of 1-2 people producing all instruments in Hip Hop. But still guest vocalists are almost never brought in. They ARE, and I can name direct examples, but it’s very rare.

    Plus it still applies to Pop. And most Pop instrumentally is carried out the same as Hip Hop, 1 producer. Granted, wit how much larger Hip Hop has become in the past decade, Pop has tried to cash in on that and now more frequently features rappers/singers, but still, Pop has never had many features either.

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    wtf just realized theres no feats on afterhours

    Don Toliver uncredited on Repeat After Me

  • Mar 21, 2020

    Rodeo was a disappointment to me cause of how many features

    Still love the record, but yes it had way too many features and quite a few songs would have benefited from being Travis only.

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Don Toliver uncredited on Repeat After Me

    Wtf? At what point? The distorted unintelligible vocals at the beginning? That’s apparently Kevin Parker.

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Wtf? At what point? The distorted unintelligible vocals at the beginning? That’s apparently Kevin Parker.

    Sounds more like don to me

  • Mar 21, 2020

    because bands already have multiple people putting in work, hip hop is more isolated

  • Mar 21, 2020

    wtf just realized theres no feats on afterhours

    You know who too influential

  • Mar 21, 2020

    Sounds more like don to me

    Naw Kevin was credited for that. Which makes sense since he produced as well.