Bro the thread was open for 128 pages and there's nun to discuss besides they're getting a divorce
I was under the assumption it was locked around 50 cus that’s when I was there last
Ok yeah I definitely understand now
it’s the internet bruh unless people are posting p*** or illegal links then let the convo go where it goes
Bro the thread was open for 128 pages and there's nun to discuss besides they're getting a divorce
I feel like S has been trying to deboost Kanye for quite some time now. It’s very weird... possible drake Stan type judas
I can’t find the main thread for this where are y’all posting??
there isnt one i could find!
mods are kanye stans
but i think the main reason is drake stans being weird
ive found mods are more lenient with drake threads than kanye ones
ive found mods are more lenient with drake threads than kanye ones
So confused this is the biggest ye news in years
Bro the thread was open for 128 pages and there's nun to discuss besides they're getting a divorce
i wasnt on this morning first time i saw the news i headed here
which is weird usually i get the news from here
but id still like to be able to access the thread and post
Like I came online today saw it on Twitter and went to ktt2 to discuss and y’all ain’t even got a thread tf is going on
i wasnt on this morning first time i saw the news i headed here
which is weird usually i get the news from here
but id still like to be able to access the thread and post
F***ing exactly
I feel like S has been trying to deboost Kanye for quite some time now. It’s very weird... possible drake Stan type judas
like when they deleted the GOOD section moved kanye section out from top of the site etc
feel like theres been an anti kanye bias since 2018 ish
U really watching another mans divorce like that? I wonder if Im beyond this site lol
You can say that any any and every type of entertainment news
And this site is built off entertainment news discussion
C'mon, man.
I feel like S has been trying to deboost Kanye for quite some time now. It’s very weird... possible drake Stan type judas
The mods in here keep closing any thread when it starts getting a tad juicy, makes the forum rather bland,there's no room for debate sometimes, if people start disagreeing, mods see it as an argument and close the thread.
Didn't check on the divorce threads but I've seen this happening way too many times before, threads being closed over the pettiest thing, either the mods are too prude/sensitive or just too lazy to moderate a thread.
I get it that they close it when trolls start posting p*** GIFs for example, but when it's just people disagreeing with each other and having diverging opinions the threads should remain open, that's the whole point of a forum.