  • Apr 8, 2021

    most days are the same

  • proper 🔩
    Apr 8, 2021
    1 reply

    literally every year feels like it goes by faster than the previous year once you get to a certain age. it’s just a part of growing up

  • Apr 8, 2021

    They say the older you get the faster time go

  • Time flies when you're havin fun

  • Apr 8, 2021
    1 reply

    ur getting older that’s it

  • Apr 8, 2021
    1 reply
    jordan at wizards

    ur getting older that’s it

    Speak for yourself

  • Apr 8, 2021

    You’re just getting older

  • Apr 8, 2021


  • Apr 8, 2021

    Been thinking this for a while too

    Just wanna go back to normal

  • rvi 🐸
    Apr 8, 2021

    literally every year feels like it goes by faster than the previous year once you get to a certain age. it’s just a part of growing up

  • Apr 8, 2021

    im outside in a amg

  • Apr 8, 2021

    Because you're not doing anything with it

  • Apr 8, 2021

    i feel like to combat this is experience. as a kid time felt slower cuz everything was so new

    back in the summer me and my girl moved to a new city, plus it was my first time moving out without parents and june / july felt super long but when i got used to the area and everything its faster

    back when you're a kid, a week, a month, a year is such a large portion of your life when you've only been alive for not that long. as you get older, days and weeks get shorter since your free time becomes just a few hours because of work. when the time you're enjoying is so minimal per day, and then you gotta go to bed, time flies.

  • pussy bacon

    Speak for yourself

    i’m speaking for op hoe

  • Apr 8, 2021
    fun guy

    Nothing is happening, no notable big events/big movies/big albums releasing that would typically denote a certain timespan everyday is just the same s***

    Invest in crypto.

    You had me until that last line

  • Apr 8, 2021

    Eventful days feel fast in the moment but on reflection seem longer because your brain perceives significance as length

    Mundane and boring days feel longer in the moment but on reflection seem faster because your brain perceives the lack of new stimulation as brief.

    Social media tricks your brain into thinking it’s getting constant new stimulation despite the act itself being mundane and repetitive therefor your mind perceives it to be both fast in the moment and on reflection.

    As you get older till around your 50’s the intervals of time your brain processes feel shorter because the percentages literally are less significant chunks of your life. When you’re 5 a year is a large percentage of your existence. When you’re 25 it’s not.

    So my suggestion would be doing as much new stuff as possible and cutting back on scrolling through feeds. It’s hard right now cause of everything going on, I sure as hell ain’t succeeding at this.