Nore & Angie Martinez better
I agree.
Angie's an O.G.
& N.O.R.E. just seems like a good time.
Every Zane Lowe interview ever
One of the worst posts I've read
Not giving a f*** about a musicians creative process on a music forum
Also when cthagod is actually a fan of somebody and not there to just troll, the interviews are usually good. When he start asking about specific songs and lines, you can tell he’s a fan
Never forget dude just blaring On Sight while Kanye was mid-sentence and then continuing with his questions
He's the type of dude that'd sit down with Chance post "Big Day" release & would kick off the interview by saying: "Congrats on the record, it's phenomenal"
This is why I prefer akademiks and charlamagne interviews. Rather hear an artist get pressed and checked than get their d*** sucked every time they do an interview. Also don’t give a f*** about hearing what their creative process is like
“don’t give a f*** hearing what their creative process is like”
lmfaoo then why do you watch?
My favorite interview of all time is his interview with lil Uzi after he dropped Luv is rage 2. One of the worst things I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Felt like satire. Both people were awkward af. He was asking some of the most banal questions and uzi looked out of it. The whole thing felt nearly sardonic
He'll be interviewing the worst artists who just released the woat album and pretend like it's some groundbreaking piece of art lmao
he just d*** rides whoever comes on his platform, no compelling content coming from his interviews
I remember when he interview Eminem. He made the mmlp2 sound like it was one of the best hip hop albums of all time. He really had me thinking that year it was but I just didn’t get it smh
Never forget dude just blaring On Sight while Kanye was mid-sentence and then continuing with his questions
That s*** was legendary tbh
apple mewsik baby zane lowe on beats1 so you wrote this album while depressed? thats brilliant baby ! yea zane lowe on beats1 chune in. one
idk i fw him for some reason. seems genuine and feels like hes trying to get to know whoever hes interviewing and it dont feel like some weird interrogation of beaten to death questions like a lot of interviews are
he just d*** rides whoever comes on his platform, no compelling content coming from his interviews