There is no problem with wanting to enjoy life and avoid pain. But, it's dangerous if you solely rely on that. Happiness is different from pleasure. True happiness comes from being able to give, pleasure (hedonism) comes from taking. Religions condemn hedonism and say you should only focus on giving because God gave it all to you first yada yada. I call BS on that. You need both. Just don't fully rely on hedonism because some of the best and most satisfying things in life do require hard work and pain, which is our natural response to sudden change, before you can get them.
if op is referring to selling hard d****,
that's like trapping peoples' souls by feeding them their poison.
and no lavish lifestyle is going to make you forget the people that got f***ed on your s***.
I enjoy some degree of Hedonism, perhaps even mostly do. I want to focus on my own happiness mainly (aswell as that of my loved ones) while not intruding on the happiness of others, but ultimately a solely selfish approach to life is an empty one when the lights and glamour fades. It's good to try and help out others in general and try to increase the amount of happiness and pleasure for them too. And struggle and suffering is ultimately a good thing for development of one's character even if it is intrinsically bad. Theres a difference between trying to just reduce unneeded suffering but embracing and overcoming what you need to, and literally avoiding every bit of it
because the hedonic treadmill leads to a life of sorrow dumbass
Rock on OP!!
Get yourself an addiction to benzodiazepines, go broke, rob someone for money, go to jail, sell your ass for a fix, get out, change your name to Mindy, sell yourself on the street then finally... get murdered!