  • Jul 30, 2023

    “ People suck because they are basically killer chimpanzees who got really good at building useful tools to do really stupid things. They have just enough brains to be dangerous, and their opposable thumbs give them a slight edge over the dolphins. By and large, people are nasty quarrelsome murderous animals who are a complete waste of time. When the space aliens finally find us, they will call a pest eradication service. And who’s to say our extermination wouldn’t be a good thing? A bunch of crafty mean-spirited apes evolved into creatures that can kill a lot more things. We have large cerebrums but are entirely ruled by the primitive reptilian part of our brains, which makes even “smart” people into raving psychotic lunatics whose main joy in life is to f*** up the rival killer chimp tribe for ridiculous contemptible reasons. Let’s face it, we are a repulsive species and I am very sure that God held his nose when he created us. And why did God create us? Maybe just God needed a mindless violent television show for him and the angels to watch for a million years. Or maybe just a few thousand, with the way things are going. Maybe the show is getting repetitive and boring, and cancellation is on the horizon. Maybe the human race will suddenly disappear without a trace, like Gilligan’s Island.

    People grudgingly make an effort to be civil with a handful of family and friends. And they literally give a rat’s ass for the billions of strangers they will never meet. This is unlikely to change ever, which is why we finally have a leader as lazy and bad as we are …. Orange Wallace, known to some as Donald Trump. Do you know who he really is? In the novel “Lord of the Flies,” a pig’s head on a stick morphs into the Devil’s face and says “I’m the reason why things are No Go!” That should be the motto of our lives and the epitaph on our graves.”

  • Jul 30, 2023

    I Just wanna be in love again , cucking fetish needs a wild apart

  • Jul 30, 2023

    Surprised quora still up. Only classic after yahoo answers died

  • Jul 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Future voice I just need a girlfriend

  • Jul 30, 2023


  • Jul 30, 2023

    he's right but I still don't hate humanity anyway

    we are what we are

  • Jul 30, 2023
    1 reply

    People don't suck

    Everyday you get to see another human being is a beautiful, spiritual experience. The joy on a child's face, a smiling couple, the health of elderly folks who walk amongst us, all of that is so beautiful and invaluable. Don't take that for granted ever. There's opportunities for happiness around every corner :)

  • Jul 30, 2023

    Future voice I just need a girlfriend

  • Jul 30, 2023

    A very quora answer I must say

  • Jul 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Humanity appreciation post

  • Jul 30, 2023

    beating the people suck allegations

  • Jul 30, 2023

    Most humans are trash I agree but there’s the top 1 percent who don’t suck.

  • Jul 30, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    Humanity appreciation post

    Misanthropy is goated

  • Jul 30, 2023

  • Jul 30, 2023

    Misanthropy is lame and for cacs

  • Yeah but women tho

  • Jul 30, 2023

    Tried to read OP, and got absolutely gobsmacked by the silliness of the first couple sentences.
    I’m so over the middle school/reddit tier “ackshaually humans are teh bad guiz 🤓🤓” routine.
    I hate using this word but it’s an inherently cucked and pathetic mindset to have, as a human.
    Humans do a lot of bad, but we also do a lot of good. We also aren’t just one big hive mind either.

  • Jul 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    People don't suck

    Everyday you get to see another human being is a beautiful, spiritual experience. The joy on a child's face, a smiling couple, the health of elderly folks who walk amongst us, all of that is so beautiful and invaluable. Don't take that for granted ever. There's opportunities for happiness around every corner :)

    nah a lot of ppl definitely suck

  • Jul 30, 2023


  • Jul 30, 2023
    math fifty

    nah a lot of ppl definitely suck


    But people, as in all or even most of humanity, do not suck