Nigga don’t know how corny he looks
Whats with the homophobic slurs?
How you hate Drake this much? Lmaoo
its not a diss
You do realize "dyke" is a slur towards Lesbians right?
whoa take it easy man
I guess
It‘s just a weak punchline
Very smh
Nigga wants ye acknowledgement bad af
Inb4 lock
Why u care so much about what Durk doing
U weird
squirt reynolds
tired of seeing this nigga deadass
Imagine still using the word dyke as a derogatory in 2021
It's literally just wordplay there is no diss
Drake moves different ma boi
Nigga idgaf
You should be asking why Durk care so much about Kanye
hatin drake so much you turn homophobic
Didnt game diss him on that tyga track?
Dirk Nowitzki :