We spend tens of thousands of dollars every month on this site lining your pockets for you to sell our user data and post history to AI companies
And now that we have a big problem you tell us to use Adblock or safari
You own the site you control the ads that are allowed on here man
you spend what sorry?
Terrible response. Downvoted.
yea i contacted the pos ad network earlier they should be removing them soon. i still recommend ad block though
you spend what sorry?
I had to make outlandish statements to get your attention
Thank you for the prompt reply
btw no one is selling anything here to ai companies lmao those labs scrape the entire f***ing web without consent for free lol
tens of thousands of dollars would be tempting tho ngl. will give you a cut when i get that check. plus our post histories would prolly make the ai’s dumber and buy us more time before the end so win win
I had to make outlandish statements to get your attention
Thank you for the prompt reply
no, it was just good timing since they emailed me about my request to remove the full screen ads that I never approved, but I’m liking your fanfiction. Move to cs tho
I had to make outlandish statements to get your attention
Thank you for the prompt reply
noticed you haven’t paid your monthly 10k. you have a three day extension
Are these personalized? 🤨
Got some news for you gooner