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  • Sep 8, 2022

    would oanye tour when he has a son coming in December and Trab is already on tour with the Weeknd. And why would he tour at all right now? He has no f***ing new music to play it would make no sense to see him perform nowadays. Better be new music I f***ing hate all of you f***s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Kanye West and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with autism. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Kanye will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. F*** this forum, f*** Kanye and f*** you all. I'm done.

  • Sep 8, 2022

    would oanye tour when he has a son coming in December and Trab is already on tour with the Weeknd. And why would he tour at all right now? He has no f***ing new music to play it would make no sense to see him perform nowadays. Better be new music I f***ing hate all of you f***s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Kanye West and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with autism. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Kanye will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. F*** this forum, f*** Kanye and f*** you all. I'm done.

  • Sep 8, 2022

  • Sep 8, 2022
    1 reply

  • Sep 8, 2022
    MVP Pinhead

    Sep 8, 2022

    would oanye tour when he has a son coming in December and Trab is already on tour with the Weeknd. And why would he tour at all right now? He has no f***ing new music to play it would make no sense to see him perform nowadays. Better be new music I f***ing hate all of you f***s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Kanye West and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with autism. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Kanye will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. F*** this forum, f*** Kanye and f*** you all. I'm done.

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