Bruh keys guitar whatever
Do you have a guitar? Do you know how to play guitar?
Do yall get taxed every time someone on here praise a rapper or something
I’m not convinced this site likes music
i hate music i'm just hear for the memes
sampling without adding anything to it or changing it in any way is just straight up stealing imo. either way he did exactly what op is saying, took a genre and literally added nothing to it. why are you mad
he deadass did add s*** you f***ing dumbass stop talking on s*** you don't even know
i hate music i'm just hear for the memes
I liked this one
was this the first actual example posted itt
find your wings treehome pothole outro hot chocolate when the gloves come off
then there's jus jazz influence on 90% of his music
hmm i would agree with jazz influence but i would not call those tracks straight up jazz, esp pothole
Do yall get taxed every time someone on here praise a rapper or something
Do y’all get asshurt every time somebody say a critiscm? Damn
anyways, gone gone is one of the best songs he's dropped ever
2019 SOTY
niggas be making threads, no evidence, no videos, no links
just be clicking post
niggas be making threads, no evidence, no videos, no links
just be clicking post
Niggas is funny man lmao
Reading this place cracks me up on a daily basis, shout out to KTT
Do you have a guitar? Do you know how to play guitar?
Lol sure now what u gotta ask bro and plug-ins and s*** do everything anyway righ?
Do y’all get asshurt every time somebody say a critiscm? Damn
i always see you hating
Lol sure now what u gotta ask bro and plug-ins and s*** do everything anyway righ?
What kind of guitar do you have? How much did you pay for it? How long have you had it?
It’s well executed and self composed, which Shows he has a wide range of skill sets that he can excel at
Innovation comes through dedication, it’s not a given.