hard to find them but them post sandy hook shooting memes
might be the most outta pocket twitter has ever been
Bisco wtf
Bisco wtf
he asked to post wild s***, there was worse than those
This is actually insane that people have this saved on their phone
danieljean will always be the GOAT at these type of vids.
Wilder than this!?
fam there was one where they photoshopped the dual shotguns and had the killstreak number up dude were replying to it with "Lmfaooo"
can't find it but some dude said Kanye being a trump supporter was just as bad as R kelly being a pedo...he was serous and got defensive people who called him out on it
not the usual type of wild in the rest of the thread but holy f***ing s***
Why the nigga taking pics and not helping