  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    He's definitely would outsell logic, taylor no

    Logic selling 250k first week

  • Jul 24, 2020

    kanye going out so sad 😔

  • Jul 24, 2020
    2 replies
    No Pressure

    Logic selling 250k first week


  • Jul 24, 2020

    Nah that niggas wide reaching commercial appeal is gone atm. It has the potential to out sell them over the long haul though, that’s assuming the music is FANTASTIC

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Battle of the whites

    So it's funny to you, most likely a c***calling a mixed person white.

    I swear people on here are dumb.

  • Jul 24, 2020

    legit think kanye might come in third

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Oblivion X


    He sold 250k with Everybody.

    He's going to do it again on his last album.

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply
    No Pressure

    He sold 250k with Everybody.

    He's going to do it again on his last album.

    Everybody had a hit

    And that was 3 years ago, every project after has only sold less by a lot

  • Jul 24, 2020

    that might even be considered a flop for her. Her album last year did like 800k first week and everyone said it "underperformed"

    the last 4 albums right before it all sold over 1 million in a week. And I think all these evebast year were pure sales

    The only person who can beat her is Adele

    yeah adele easily beats everyone.

    although her music might not hit the same when she comes back as it's been a while.

    People might call it underperforming cos it's Taylor, but doing 800k or over 500k 15 years into your career could never be flopping lool. People always wanna see the negative, but even if it's less than she's done before that's still crazy numbers for someone who's been in the game longer than Ed, Drake and Adele.

    I feel like the next Drake album could beat her. Post, Trav and Ed could all still go higher with the right songs too.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jul 24, 2020

    You have to drop an album to outsell people and we all know nothing is dropping.

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    Everybody had a hit

    And that was 3 years ago, every project after has only sold less by a lot


    But I think fans will buy his last album a lot and support it.

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    My girlfriend is a diehard Taylor Swift fan and I woke up to her telling me she bought all 8 copies so this is facts

    she's got some pop classic songs, some nice lines and has been a great writer at some points in her career

    But i will never know how people get this passionate about Taylor Swift

    She comes off pretty bland at times. Even Ed sheeran has more personality

  • Jul 24, 2020

    niggas really be tricking themselves to believe a kanye album coming out

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply
    No Pressure


    But I think fans will buy his last album a lot and support it.

    i will check for this album if it has some no-id beats on it, but there's no way he's selling more than Ye.

    JiK actually did more than ye first week so his numbers are still pretty volatile. He's not done yet even with people frustrated with him

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    i will check for this album if it has some no-id beats on it, but there's no way he's selling more than Ye.

    JiK actually did more than ye first week so his numbers are still pretty volatile. He's not done yet even with people frustrated with him

    Who knows

    Maybe if he puts effort he sells a ton but if he doesn't do much and just puts the project on Apple and Spotify I don't see it.

  • Jul 24, 2020

    She's def putting out this album early before Billboard changes the rules and she does 300k first week

  • Jul 24, 2020
    No Pressure

    Who knows

    Maybe if he puts effort he sells a ton but if he doesn't do much and just puts the project on Apple and Spotify I don't see it.

    everyone hated Jesus is King and it still had a platinum song on it.

    Kanye has a lot less people playing his music since 2018 but people still check for new Ye. He's still probably in spotify's top 40 most listened to artists at all times.

    I think it feels like Kanye is musically done because his celebrity is bigger than his music, but people do still care a bit.

    Also, Kanye's merch will probably still sell and he'll be able to bundle that. He'll definitely release some, he had wash us in the blood merch before the song was out

    Can't see him dropping the same night as Taylor anyway. But if he stays in the news till the release he's probably doing closer to 300k than 200

  • Jul 24, 2020

    No way but I’m pouring my money into merch and physicals

  • Jul 24, 2020

    Kanye got a divorce and disrespected his entire family publicly only to come in 3rd after Logic

  • Jul 24, 2020

    Kanye ain’t getting a #1 album if he drops

    He might not even beat Logic IMO

    If he waits a few weeks he probably will.

    Most people thought JiK was trash and it still did decent

  • Jul 24, 2020

    Ye will outstream Taylor it's the bundles that'll f*** him


  • Kanyes sales will be entirely dependant on the music. If it's good the internet will explode. If not it's just another Kanye project nobody cares about

  • Jul 24, 2020

    Kanye too stupid to make another full album

  • Jul 24, 2020
    No Pressure
    · edited

    So it's funny to you, most likely a c***calling a mixed person white.

    I swear people on here are dumb.

    Bro u tellin me ud be comfortable with Logic saying nigga around u???

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    she's got some pop classic songs, some nice lines and has been a great writer at some points in her career

    But i will never know how people get this passionate about Taylor Swift

    She comes off pretty bland at times. Even Ed sheeran has more personality

    Yeah man I don’t get it but she a white girl so they a different breed