When you're young, Michael Jackson will definitely be someone you love. But as you get older, your tastes expand, and you developer more of a love of overall musicianship you'll discover that Prince has always been that nigga.
But in all seriousness: Aretha, Whitney and Diana made better music than MJ.
But in all seriousness: Aretha, Whitney and Diana made better music than MJ.
ok ok IDK about all this now
When you're young, Michael Jackson will definitely be someone you love. But as you get older, your tastes expand, and you developer more of a love of overall musicianship you'll discover that Prince has always been that nigga.
dammn bro real inspirational stuff
Still hasn’t happened to this day which is insane
musically is a question that cant be objectively answered
fame-wise i think he will be topped. prolly the first asian worldwide superstar that will draw india, china and the west in
How do you have a whole compilation of iconic number one songs that transcends race, religion and class
How do you have a whole compilation of iconic number one songs that transcends race, religion and class
u askin or tellin b****?
Let’s be honest, prince and Stevie were better than MJ musically.
MJ’s ability to blend popular music trends in his own way and his ability to entertain and being a household name since a child put him over the top...
When you're young, Michael Jackson will definitely be someone you love. But as you get older, your tastes expand, and you developer more of a love of overall musicianship you'll discover that Prince has always been that nigga.
I liked Prince a lot more even as a kid tbh.