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  • Nov 24, 2021

  • MiguelMeyerz

    Will just stop. PLEASE!!!!!

    Why he in Mario

  • Nov 24, 2021

    wasn’t jada a s***addict? not surprised by this statement

  • Nov 24, 2021
    1 reply

    We need to just make a Will and Jada MEGATHREAD at this point.

  • Nov 24, 2021
    1 reply


    I mean everyone is wondering why wild s*** keeps coming out about Will and his family every other week. most of the replies in this thread are along the lines of “why is he saying this??” “omg he’s ruining his legacy!!”

    I’m telling you the reason why - he wrote an autobiography about his life and the media is doing what the media does, which is taking bits and pieces of the book and making headlines about it to make it look like he’s just saying this s*** for no reason. and of course, everyone is falling for it

    Same thing with the entanglement bullshit. Will has admitted out of his own mouth that he f***s with other women even though hes married to Jada but for some reason, social media is acting like he’s this pathetic simp who is being done dirty. I see this s*** all over social media and it’s annoying af. If you’re gonna be invested in celebrities’ lives, at least make sure you have the facts and context before making judgements

  • Nov 24, 2021
    Warren Peace

    why are y’all so dumb?

    no one interviewed him. Will wrote a book about his life and these media sites are basically taking excerpts from it and putting out clickbait articles with details from it every other day to generate more traffic on their sites. and dumbasses like you keep falling for it every single time

    if you care about Will Smith’s life enough to make this thread, you may as well to go get the book and make sure you have the full story before sounding off like an idiot

    somebody that gets it.

  • Nov 24, 2021
    2 replies
  • Nov 24, 2021
    1 reply

    We need to just make a Will and Jada MEGATHREAD at this point.

    yes we do

    It’s multiple threads about this man with mfs basically saying the same s***. may as well throw it all together lol

  • Nov 24, 2021
    Frankito Reynolds

    classic series

  • Nov 24, 2021
    2 replies

    nah for the past two months we been seeing the wildest headlines of Will Smith and Jada’s stories it’s been messin with my head cuz i look up to Will

    then why don’t you go buy his book????

    that way, you can learn about his life from HIS perspective instead of the media’s

  • Nov 24, 2021

    humiliation kink confirmed

  • Nov 24, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    what show is this?

    it looks dope

  • Nov 24, 2021
    1 reply
    Warren Peace

    I mean everyone is wondering why wild s*** keeps coming out about Will and his family every other week. most of the replies in this thread are along the lines of “why is he saying this??” “omg he’s ruining his legacy!!”

    I’m telling you the reason why - he wrote an autobiography about his life and the media is doing what the media does, which is taking bits and pieces of the book and making headlines about it to make it look like he’s just saying this s*** for no reason. and of course, everyone is falling for it

    Same thing with the entanglement bullshit. Will has admitted out of his own mouth that he f***s with other women even though hes married to Jada but for some reason, social media is acting like he’s this pathetic simp who is being done dirty. I see this s*** all over social media and it’s annoying af. If you’re gonna be invested in celebrities’ lives, at least make sure you have the facts and context before making judgements


  • Nov 24, 2021
    Warren Peace

    then why don’t you go buy his book????

    that way, you can learn about his life from HIS perspective instead of the media’s

    i don’t wanna buy his book

  • Nov 24, 2021

  • Nov 24, 2021
    1 reply

    why would i buy his book💀😂

  • Nov 24, 2021
    Warren Peace

    yes we do

    It’s multiple threads about this man with mfs basically saying the same s***. may as well throw it all together lol

    MODS I volunteer myself, just stick it all in this thread:

  • Warren Peace

    what show is this?

    it looks dope


  • Nov 24, 2021
    1 reply

    (let's get j***y with it)

  • Nov 24, 2021
    Bad Finger Boogie

    (let's get j***y with it)

    apparently will did not want to continue getting j***y with it

  • Nov 24, 2021


  • Nov 24, 2021

    this nigga ruining his legacy bro i’m so done with this dude

    He slowly turning into John legend

    How we go from “I Am Legend” to “We are ordinary people”?

  • There is such a thing called over sharing. I love Big Willie tho

  • Vance

    she called that nigga Will Smith like he her barber

    This s*** sending me

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