Lol @ people saying Birds or astroworld are better than Rodeo... 2 generic ass albums, the only Travis project that can be put along is Owl Pharaoh
Doot since we talkin about the absolutely classic ktt rodeo vids
Please tell me you have the one where the dudes crawled into the hole I can’t remember s*** about it other than that but it was my favourite one it got taken down
Doot since we talkin about the absolutely classic ktt rodeo vids
Please tell me you have the one where the dudes crawled into the hole I can’t remember s*** about it other than that but it was my favourite one it got taken down
i know what you’re talking about but no i don’t have that
i know what you’re talking about but no i don’t have that
I swear that one koolaids made
I swear that one koolaids made
he made some goat ones
that one, the edit of inglorious basterds, and his video about ovo sound radio when we thought we were getting a views single but got Minnesota by Yachty instead
Literally have no songs saved from that album
Congrats on having s***e taste mate
Rodeo isn’t good...why is it so overrated on this site? Y’all weird
You have some of the worst takes on this site
And you listen to Lil Tecca
s*** was an experience
we were like starven piranhas goddamn, he just had the youth on lock back then
On my death bed, when my granchildren ask me what I most value during my experience through this ethereal plane, I will lean over my bed and grab my folder filled with the laminated HTML files of the threads during the Rodeo era and we will spend the last moments of my life pointing out my posts and chuckling. As my heart rate begins to drop... i will utter the words "why the f*** would oanye..." before being interrupted by a high frequency screech signalling my pulse flatline, causing my soul to departs from this world. They will tearfully, but hastly mumble "... tour when he has a son coming in December and Trab is already on tour with the Weeknd!!" as they descend into a frenzy of tears and sorrow and I will regret nothing
Maybe the best first listen ever? Idk
All his projects fresh as f*** the first listen
Im so glad majority of the rodeo snips finally leAked like og ncm maria oh my
Obvs album is goat but feels like a completion of the experience
Nope. Music peaked at Rodeo and we were fortunate to be there for it.
This but unironically
I absolutely lost my god damn mind listening to p***ography the first time
Oh my