Windows 11 version will be free for existing Windows 10 users.
All you’ll need is a PC that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11, which is now a 64-bit CPU, 4GB of RAM, and 64GB of storage. Windows 11 will be delivered through Windows Update in much the same way as Windows 10 updates have been made available previously.
Fantastic news.
Tool to see if you meet the requirements
Tool to see if you meet the requirements
Damn work laptop…. Won’t let me check cause my IT department handles the updates
Will it also be free if I pirated Windows 10?
Will it also be free if I pirated Windows 10?
yeah if you pirated it the right way
Mr Bill is for the people 🔥
At least that’s how windows 10 worked
You could pirate a windows 7 version, upgrade to windows 10 and it gave you a legit key
I think so I don't know
theres software that generates a windows key and ties it to your motherboard, that will 100% work
theres software that generates a windows key and ties it to your motherboard, that will 100% work
I've definitely done that, thank you
Tool to see if you meet the requirements
am i clicking on that link
am i clicking on that link
You already did. I’m in. You’re f***ed
Looks nice, when does this go live?
Insider build in the next couple of weeks
Full release this fall
Tool to see if you meet the requirements
my roughly $2000 PC can't run windows 11 apparently
my roughly $2000 PC can't run windows 11 apparently
I think it’s bugged rn tbh
I think it’s bugged rn tbh
people are saying you have to enable TPM in bios which doesn't show up in may bios
After researching looks like TPM 2.0 is a minimum requirement
The hell
Most prebuilts since 2016 have come with this but custom builts don’t have this lol.
But luckily Ryzen CPU’s have fTPM which can emulate this chip so anyone with a Ryzen is set for windows 11.
People without that or an intel chip