niggas out here reading yu gi oh cards thinkin its tellin em s***
Let ppl enjoy things
my tarot spreads are too loud telling me s*** i don’t wanna hear sometimes
my homegirl did a reading on me a couple weeks ago and I was blown away lol, pretty much described what’s been up with my life 100%, some great advice from it too
my homegirl did a reading on me a couple weeks ago and I was blown away lol, pretty much described what’s been up with my life 100%, some great advice from it too
how many cards did she pull? i’m only capable of 4 right now but the readings more than that are where s*** gets wild
how many cards did she pull? i’m only capable of 4 right now but the readings more than that are where s*** gets wild
she did about 7-8 I think, maybe more I cant remember
she did about 7-8 I think, maybe more I cant remember
damn she really got down to it with you probably down to the sign of people in your life lol
damn she really got down to it with you probably down to the sign of people in your life lol
yup lmaooooo
@ tarot ppl itt how often do yall read for yaself?
I basically reserve it for very important things that I need assistance with, similarly to how I tread psychedelics.
So I often only read for myself like 4-8 times a year but I know that I am an outlier in this so I'm curious what everyone else does.
@ tarot ppl itt how often do yall read for yaself?
I basically reserve it for very important things that I need assistance with, similarly to how I tread psychedelics.
So I often only read for myself like 4-8 times a year but I know that I am an outlier in this so I'm curious what everyone else does.
once-twice every week
just depends on what’s going on but i usually try to keep it only for really pressing issues that i’m genuinely unsure of and need some guidance on. if my intuition is already telling me something i’m not gonna waste my time to get reassurance of what i already know
Tomorrow gonna be blessed to heaven and back
Nahhh this haram
Tomorrow gonna be blessed to heaven and back
I'm wishing you luck in whatever you have planned
I'm wishing you luck in whatever you have planned
Thank you ( ꈍᴗꈍ)