  • Apr 28, 2020

    If Biden doesn't beat trump ...That's gonna truly expose the democratic party and the rich centrists as what they are.

    You did all that s***ting on working class people's interests and FOR WHAT???

  • Tubig 🌊
    Apr 29, 2020
    5 replies

    They’re incapable of self reflection and will just blame the left

  • Apr 29, 2020

    They’re incapable of self reflection and will just blame the left

  • Apr 29, 2020

    They’re incapable of self reflection and will just blame the left

  • Gojira 🦖
    Apr 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all want the democrats to explode but it’s not like communism is ever going to happen lmao. As a Canadian looking at the state of America, the Republicans are going to get you killed faster than the Democrats would and that’s a fact, lol.

    If y’all want that it’s your choice we got it good here.

  • Apr 29, 2020

    They’re incapable of self reflection and will just blame the left

  • Apr 29, 2020

    Y’all want the democrats to explode but it’s not like communism is ever going to happen lmao. As a Canadian looking at the state of America, the Republicans are going to get you killed faster than the Democrats would and that’s a fact, lol.

    If y’all want that it’s your choice we got it good here.

    Imagine living in Canada

    Does Canada even have beaches?

    What's the summer season there like 3-6 weeks?

  • I mean... Bernie couldn’t even beat Biden or the woman who lost to Trump

  • Apr 29, 2020
    1 reply

    we need to stop discussing what people always refer to as the "lesser of both evils" and start focus on what really f***ing matters and needs to happen: elections that aren't based on only TWO F***ING PARTIES. IMAGINE accepting a two party system and believing that two political parties are capable of representing all of the United States population

  • Apr 29, 2020

    we need to stop discussing what people always refer to as the "lesser of both evils" and start focus on what really f***ing matters and needs to happen: elections that aren't based on only TWO F***ING PARTIES. IMAGINE accepting a two party system and believing that two political parties are capable of representing all of the United States population

    This lol
    Especially when neither party has the interests of the working class in their agenda

  • Apr 30, 2020
    2 replies

    Democratic Party isn’t failing because of “rich centrists”

    They are failing because they are f***ing panderers and don’t mean anything they actually say

    They just say what they think the people want to hear. They don’t have any real values or stances at all

    That’s pretty much both parties though

    Two party system is absolute garbage

  • Apr 30, 2020
    hot pancakes

    Democratic Party isn’t failing because of “rich centrists”

    They are failing because they are f***ing panderers and don’t mean anything they actually say

    They just say what they think the people want to hear. They don’t have any real values or stances at all

    That’s pretty much both parties though

    Two party system is absolute garbage

    left has real values and stances

  • Apr 30, 2020

    They’re incapable of self reflection and will just blame the left

  • May 1, 2020

    They’re incapable of self reflection and will just blame the left

  • May 1, 2020
    hot pancakes

    Democratic Party isn’t failing because of “rich centrists”

    They are failing because they are f***ing panderers and don’t mean anything they actually say

    They just say what they think the people want to hear. They don’t have any real values or stances at all

    That’s pretty much both parties though

    Two party system is absolute garbage

    You are literally describing the "rich centrist" of the democratic party.

  • May 1, 2020

    yo democrats have to take an L
    Diddy said that this time they gotta WIN black ppl vote & that it's not for free or guaranteed & look at the s*** he got on twitter
    like how stupid & brainwashed are u to oppose that pov

  • May 1, 2020

    if Biden doesn't drop out there's no hope for America