I’m laughing at all the fools who never got a bidet. Been telling everyone to invest in one but everyone thinks I’m weird af. Well I have the last laugh now f***ers
Imagine not having a bidet
Like you’ll literally tell people how much more hygienic it is and they still won’t get one
Like you’ll literally tell people how much more hygienic it is and they still won’t get one
Unfortunately most people dont have good hygiene
Like you’ll literally tell people how much more hygienic it is and they still won’t get one
and when the water hits the g spot
Some people legit discovered hand washing a week ago
Imagine not washing after s***ting wtf
When you realize most things run out because people buy them because they think they will run out
Some people legit discovered hand washing a week ago
Imagine not washing after s***ting wtf
Who was the guy on the og ktt that s*** in the shower and carried it into the toilet
Who was the guy on the og ktt that s*** in the shower and carried it into the toilet
Who was the guy on the og ktt that s*** in the shower and carried it into the toilet
thats mr.fuckwiththis
thats mr.fuckwiththis
That guy was a menace to society. Lmfaooo he was prolly dapping niggas up with those booty fingers too 😂😂😂😂
Why tf they buying water. The pipes still gonna work get some filters lmao
once corona in the water, ill laugh at u when u got toliet paper but nothing to drink
once corona in the water, ill laugh at u when u got toliet paper but nothing to drink
If corona in the water then we all f***ed dumbass lmaooooo
If corona in the water then we all f***ed dumbass lmaooooo
ill be last to live with my supply of water bottles
halo 3 voice
Just take a f***ing shower for god sake it’s literally the same thing. Europeans think everything they do is genius.
your water supply is going to get infected with coronavirus and then now what u have corona virus squirting into your a******