how will the government and the ultra-rich (who own the means of helping those who will be most affected) react to this?
how will the government and the ultra-rich (who own the means of helping those who will be most affected) react to this?
they gon chill at they crib in the hills where all the flooding water will just roll down their long mansion paveway down to the gates
how will the government and the ultra-rich (who own the means of helping those who will be most affected) react to this?
by going to space
how will the government and the ultra-rich (who own the means of helping those who will be most affected) react to this?
They've already left Earth and live off-planet, we only see their stand-ins..
what will we, the most socially complex and collectively integrated beings in the known universe, do in response to this
every man for himself
i wonder how the economy will be affected by this
y’all think shareholders’ investments will survive this
hopefully it does
Copied from Reddit. Pretty good response to this
the lunar wobble is actually a natural occurrence, first reported in 1728. The moon's orbit is responsible for periods of both higher and lower tides about every 18.6 years, and they aren't dangerous in their own right.
With sea-level rise due to climate change, the next high tide floods are expected to be more intense and more frequent than ever before, exacerbating already grim predictions.
The headline reads
NASA predicts a "wobble" in the moon's orbit may lead to record flooding on Earth
which is misleading, it should read
NASA predicts climate warming may lead to record flooding on Earth
because in the 30's the moon's effect will reverse, only to hit us even harder in the 40's because the base line is shifting, the moon is simply on the same cycle it has always been.